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Getting Started : Download

A customer account is required to download the Atoti Server application.

The released artifacts can be found here, with a different folder for each stable version.

The recommended way to access them is to add ActiveViam's Artifactory repository as a private maven repository. To do so, add the following tag to your settings.xml file.

<name>ActiveViam Internal Repository</name>

As downloading artifacts requires an Artifactory customer account, you will also need to provide your Artifactory credentials via a <servers> tag. We recommend doing so through server password encryption, to avoid having plain-text passwords in your settings.xml.

Alternatively, you may download the maven repository manually. It is provided as a .zip file, that needs to be unzipped and its contents copied into your maven repository, keeping the directory tree intact.

If you are new to Atoti, you will also probably want to use the sandbox project, that contains the sources of an example Atoti application. It is also provided as a .zip file that you need to uncompress. \ To make sure all dependencies are correctly installed, we recommend running mvn clean install -DskipTests on the sandboxes directory prior to importing it as a maven project in your IDE. Don't hesitate to read the files at the root of each module. A short guide to the sandbox project is also available here.