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What's new in 5.10


New features

  • User Defined Aggregate Functions on Measures: It is now possible for user-defined aggregate functions to work on measures (instead of facts). This can be achieved using the Copper API. The documentation is available here.
  • Copper Join hierarchy with multiple levels: The Copper API now lets you define Join hierarchies with several levels.
  • Option to set the visibility of hierarchies and dimensions through context values: the MDX context now has a feature that can override the visibility of a hierarchy or a dimension. This feature can be used through MdxContext::setHierarchyVisibility() or through the MDX context builder via IMdxContextBuilder::overrideHierarchyVisibility() (analogous methods exist for dimensions).
  • Copper Store Lookups: The Copper API lets you define store look-ups measures that run a get-by-key query on the selected store.


  • Chunks gained a new compression method: Frequency compression. When the Datastore detects a value repeated many times in a chunk, the chunk is compressed to store only explicit values, while recording the implicit values repeated many times.
    The compression happens when a value appears more than x % in the chunk. x can be specified as a ratio through the property ActiveViamProperty#CHUNK_FREQUENCY_COMPRESSION_RATIO_PROPERTY. The compression can be enabled or disabled for each of the following five data types: int, float, long, double and object. This can be controlled through the property: ActiveViamProperty#ENABLED_FREQUENCY_COMPRESSIONS_PROPERTY.
  • When a data node is being shutdown, it will send a GoodbyeMessage to the query node which will immediately trigger an asynchronous task responsible for removing all subsequent contributions of the former. On success, a GoodbyeMessageApplicationEvent is generated. Otherwise, on failure of the removal task, a GoodbyeMessageApplicationFailureEvent is generated. This lets ActivePivot distinguish the clean removal of a data node from one that is momentarily unresponsive.
  • When executing a query, intermediary results that have been computed and that are not required by any remaining computations are now discarded and are available for garbage collection.


  • The Azure Cloud Source has migrated its dependency to the Azure Blob Storage SDK from version 8 to version 12. This change came along a number of changes in the module's interface. More about this can be read on the migration notes.