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Application Performance Monitoring

Atoti APM (Application Performance Monitoring) is a solution for monitoring the healthiness and performance of an application. It provides several features easing the support work, and reducing the burden of maintaining and troubleshooting Atoti Server.

Atoti APM provides the following main features:

  • Query monitoring: Monitor in-progress, successful or failed MDX queries, their associated execution logs, and the historical performances
  • Datastore monitoring: Display the trend of datastore sizes over time; Monitor the datastore transaction times; View successful and failed CSV loading, and their associated execution logs.
  • Netty monitoring: Monitor the size of data transferred between nodes, in terms of single query execution, all queries executed by a user, or all activities, etc.
  • Monitoring activities by user: Monitor activities (e.g. query execution) on a user level.
  • JVM monitoring: Overall JVM status, including CPU, heap and off-heap memory, threads, GC, etc.

APM is built with a number of open-source tools. Below is a high-level illustration of an end-to-end monitored Atoti application relying on APM library, additional monitoring tools and their interaction.


Adding APM in an Atoti project

The APM library relies on Extended Plugins or Types overriding to extend core component with monitoring capabilities. In order to load monitoring classes, grab the APM jar and add it as a dependency of your project

<version>version of Atoti Server</version>

List of Extended Plugins

Please find the list of extended plugins provided into the APM library

Class namePlugin KeyCore classDescription
MonitoredActivePivotQueryExecutorBASEActivePivotQueryExecutorReplacing the default ActivePivotQueryExecutor with adding ability to monitor query execution

Monitored Spring Configuration

APM library relies on Spring BeanPostProcessor to automatically customize and add monitoring capabilities within configuration classes. Additionally, the library offers additional configuration classes detailed in the following table:

Spring ConfigDescription
MonitoredDataLoadingConfigAdd the configuration of the IMessageHandler as well a REST service to check on the file loading status. Check more in the "Data Loading" chapter
MonitoringJmxConfigExposes some MBeans related to the previously mentioned monitored services.
QueryPerformanceEvaluatorConfigEnable query performance evaluation and slow query detection
ExtraLoggingConfigAdd the configuration bringing additional logging (e.g. environment properties)

In case there is a need to wait for the APM stack to be started before triggering some action, one can use the following Spring annotation on the required bean:

@DependsOn(value = TracingConfig.APM_TRACING)


APM relies on SLF4J with a Logback binding for the logging part.

IHealthEventHandler monitoring

Some monitoring features are provided through health events. APM defines a specific AtotiType for the IHealthEventHandler class which overrides all the underlying health event handlers to make sure they are printed properly to SLF4J. Additionally, Atoti Server forces the logs generated by the ILoggingHealthEventHandler implementations to be under the same logger name ( We do not think the best approach as it could be necessary, in some occasion, to split the logs into different files. This is why the library contains the following overrides:

Event Handler InterfaceDescription
IActivePivotHealthEventHandlerCustom implementation MonitoredLoggingActivePivotHealthEventHandler which logs the messages into the logger
IComposerHealthEventHandlerCustom implementation MonitoredLoggingComposerHealthEventHandler which logs the messages into the logger
ICsvSourceHealthEventHandlerCustom implementation MonitoredLoggingCsvHealthEventHandler which logs the messages into the logger com.activeviam.source.csv.api.observability.ICsvSourceHealthEventHandler
IDatastoreHealthEventHandlerCustom implementation MonitoredLoggingDatastoreHealthEventHandler which logs the messages into the logger com.activeviam.database.datastore.api.observability.IDatastoreHealthEventHandler
IHealthEventHandlerNew AtotiType MonitoredLoggingGlobalHealthEventHandler overriding the core LoggingGlobalHealthEventHandler class. It makes sure we are using the previously mentioned event handlers


Logback supports custom conversion specifiers allowing to display specific information properly within the logs. APM defines three custom converter detailed below:

com.activeviam.apm.api.logging.LogUserConverterAllow to display the current user for the thread. The user is either taken from the security layer or from the health event
com.activeviam.apm.api.logging.LogThreadConverterAllow to display the current thread. This is useful for the health event. This converter can override the default Logback one
com.activeviam.apm.api.logging.LogInstanceConverterRequired only if ELK setup and JSON logs are used. This converter provides the node instance name specified in property so the source node of a log can be identified in a centralized logging system like ELK

Then, Logback configuration example can make use of these converters as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Example LOGBACK Configuration File -->
<shutdownHook class="ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook"/>
<!-- Exposing the conversion rules -->
<conversionRule conversionWord="thread"
<conversionRule conversionWord="user"

<appender name="MAIN" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">

<!-- Using the converter in the appender pattern layout -->
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [Thread: %thread; User: %user] %-5level %logger{35} -
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="MAIN"/>
<contextListener class="ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator">

If ELK setup is used, the library is ready for producing JSON logs for feeding Logstash and Elasticsearch. This can be done through an additional JSON appender as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Example LOGBACK Configuration File -->
<shutdownHook class="ch.qos.logback.core.hook.DelayingShutdownHook"/>
<conversionRule conversionWord="thread"
<conversionRule conversionWord="user"
<conversionRule conversionWord="instance"

<appender name="JSON" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">

<encoder class="net.logstash.logback.encoder.LogstashEncoder">
write the timestamp value as a numeric unix timestamp(number of milliseconds since unix epoch)
Check the link

<!-- Exclude username and thread name from MDC and standard fields to avoid duplication -->

<!-- Append customized fields -->
<provider class="net.logstash.logback.composite.loggingevent.LoggingEventPatternJsonProvider">
"user_name": "%user",
"thread_name": "%thread",
"instance_name": "%instance"
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="JSON"/>
<contextListener class="ch.qos.logback.classic.jul.LevelChangePropagator">

Loggers Categorization

APM loggers could be categorized as follows:

Feed loadingcom.activeviam.apm.loaded.feed
Used if you choose the feed.loading.message.handler.type option 'LOG'. In this case you more likely prefer the output to be made in a separate file

Data loading

The MonitoredDataLoadingConfig class provides the bean messageHandler() which creates the implementation of the IMessageHandler. In your source Spring config class you could do the following:

private MonitoredDataLoadingConfig monitoredDataLoadingConfig;

protected IMessageHandler<IFileInfo<Path>> messageHandler() {
return monitoredDataLoadingConfig.messageHandler();

@Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
public CustomCsvSource dataCsvSource() {
final CsvSource csvSource = new CsvSource(DATA_TAG);
return csvSource;

protected List<IStoreMessageChannel<IFileInfo<Path>, ILineReader>> dataCsvChannels(
final CsvMessageChannelFactory<Path> dataCsvChannelFactory,
final IMessageHandler<IFileInfo<Path>> messageHandler) {

final List<IStoreMessageChannel<IFileInfo<Path>, ILineReader>> channels = new ArrayList<>();
ITuplePublisher<IFileInfo<Path>> tuplePublisher = ...;
IStoreMessageChannel<IFileInfo<Path>, ILineReader> channel = dataCsvChannelFactory.createChannel(topicName,
storeName, tuplePublisher);

Depending on the properties, the bean allows to:

  • log start/end processing of some input data, as well as the errors, through the logger com.activeviam.apm.source
  • log the rejections of the input data through the logger com.activeviam.apm.source.rejection
  • specify the property feed.loading.message.handler.type to select the type of the message handler: if set to DEFAULT, simply logs detailed information about loading file if set to LOG, logs the feed loading in an external file (CSV style) upon completion using the logger com.activeviam.apm.loaded.feed ** if set to WEBHOOK, call a webhook (external service) upon completion of the file loading

Properties exposed

List of the properties exposed as well as their default value

PropertyDescriptionDefault value the pattern used to hide sensitive properties when logged*(password\|key).*
activeviam.apm.enable.all.apmanager.statisticsEnable the MBeans statistics for the ActivePivot managertrue
activeviam.apm.enable.xmla.servlet.loggingEnable the logging of the XMLA Servlettrue
activeviam.apm.enable.json.queries.service.loggingEnable the logging of the JSON Queries Servicetrue
activeviam.apm.enable.json.queries.service.detailed.loggingEnable the detailed logging of the JSON Queries Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.json.queries.service.log.memory.statsEnable the logging of the memory stats for the JSON Queries Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.queries.service.loggingEnable the logging of the Queries Servicetrue
activeviam.apm.enable.queries.service.detailed.loggingEnable the detailed logging of the Queries Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.queries.service.log.memory.statsEnable the logging of the memory stats for the Queries Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.streaming.service.loggingEnable the logging of the Streaming Servicetrue
activeviam.apm.enable.streaming.service.detailed.loggingEnable the detailed logging of the Streaming Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.streaming.service.log.memory.statsEnable the logging of the memory stats for the Streaming Servicefalse
activeviam.apm.enable.web.socket.loggingEnable the logging of Web Sockettrue
activeviam.apm.enable.web.socket.detailed.loggingEnable the detailed logging of the Web Socketfalse
activeviam.apm.enable.web.socket.log.memory.statsEnable the logging of the memory stats for the Web Socketfalse
activeviam.apm.feed.loading.cache.loaded.files.num.entriesProperty defining the number of entries kept in the feed loading cache1,000,000
activeviam.apm.feed.loading.message.handler.typeProperty defining the feed loading message handler typeDEFAULT
activeviam.apm.feed.loading.message.handler.webhook.urlProperty defining the webhook URL for the feed loading message handler
activeviam.apm.feed.loading.message.handler.webhook.num.retriesProperty defining the number of retries for the webhook feed loading message handlerInteger.MAX_VALUE defining the time to wait (ms) between each retry for the webhook feed loading message handler3000 (3s)
activeviam.apm.jmx.thread.status.cache.timeoutThread status cache value timeout in milliseconds. Thread status cache value is refreshed automatically when timeout.60000 (60s)
activeviam.apm.node.instance.nameUnique name of the current node. It must be provided if logging/monitoring stack (e.g. ELK) is used.activepivot
activeviam.apm.consul.hostHost or IP of the consul service
activeviam.apm.consul.portPort of the consul service8500
activeviam.apm.activepivot.service.nameService name of the instance. This is for service grouping and filtering in consulactivepivot
activeviam.apm.node.hostHost or IP of the node instance for registering to consulThe first non loop back host ip found in network interfaces
activeviam.apm.node.healthcheck.portPort which consul should call for healthcheck. This should be port used for jmx explorer, e.g. -javaagent:jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.3.1.jar=80818081
activeviam.apm.node.healthcheck.pathPath which consul should call for healthcheckmetrics
activeviam.apm.node.healthcheck.intervalInterval between health check attempts5m
activeviam.apm.node.healthcheck.timeoutTimeout for a health check attempt30s
activeviam.apm.node.healthcheck.deregister.timeConsul will de-register the instance from the registry if it loses contact for more that a specific time30m
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.min.sample.sizeThe minimum amount of past performance required as samples for evaluation10
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.max.sample.sizeThe maximum amount of past performance taken into account for evaluation30
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.coefficientThe coefficient for adjusting the threshold1
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.urlsURL(s) to Elasticsearch instance(s) that provides the historical performance. e.g. http://localhost:9200null
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.truststore.pathPath to the trust store that used to have encrypted communication with Elasticsearchnull
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.truststore.typeType of the trust store to be loaded for encrypted communication with Elasticsearchnull
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.truststore.passwordPassword to open the trust storenull
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.usernameUsername for login Elasticsearch if authentication is requirednull
activeviam.apm.query.performance.evaluation.elasticsearch.passwordPassword for login Elasticsearch if authentication is requirednull