Supported What-If Table Context Menu


Plugin key BAS Setting key
accelerator_plugin-supported-what-if bas-plugin-menu-item-supported-what-if

This plugin allows you to perform a what-if simulation to display instant recalculations and incremental impact on a given measure for a predefined set of levels. To use this feature, right-click on a measure and select the What-If option from the context menu. The options you can select are determined by the configuration on the server. This will open a dialog box where you can enter your inputs to execute the simulation.

Supported what-if context menu Supported what-if modal


Solution Enabled
Market risk


None: an empty object signals that the widget is enabled for the given server.

How to disable it

Disable universally

To disable this feature for all solutions, add this line at the end of your extension’s activate function to unregister the plugin:

const extension: ExtensionModule = {
  activate: async (configuration: Configuration) => {
+    delete configuration.pluginRegistry["menu-item"]["accelerator_plugin-supported-what-if"];
+    Object.values(configuration.pluginRegistry["widget"]).forEach(widgetPlugin => {
+        widgetPlugin.contextMenuItems = widgetPlugin.contextMenuItems.filter( menuItem => menuItem.key !== "accelerator_plugin-supported-what-if")
+    })

Disable for specific servers

To disable this feature for a given server, you must delete this feature’s settings for that server key by altering the basSettings parameter before calling the activate function.

Disabling this feature for the MR server only:

+ import {produce} from "immer";
- import {activate as activateMr} from "@activeviam/mr-sdk";
+ import {activate as activateMr, basSettings as mrBASSettings} from "@activeviam/mr-sdk";
 import {activate as activateFrtb} from "@activeviam/frtb-sdk";

 const extension: ExtensionModule = {
  activate: async (configuration: Configuration) => {
+    const mrBASSettingsWithFeatureDisabled = produce(mrBASSettings, draft => {
+      delete draft["MR"]["bas-plugin-menu-item-supported-what-if"];
+    });

-   activateMr({configuration});
+   activateMr({configuration, basSetttings: mrBASSettingsWithFeatureDisabled})