Day-To-Day Table Context Menu


Plugin key BAS Setting key
accelerator_plugin-menu-pivot-table-d2d bas-plugin-menu-item-daytoday

This context menu action plugin allows you to select the header of a single measure in a table and calculate the Day-To-Day difference for it. It will generate a new measure in the same table displaying the result.

Pivot Table D2D - 1

Pivot Table D2D - 2


Solution Enabled
Market risk


Key Type Description Example
asOfDateDimensionName string The name of the dimension holding the as-of dates
asOfDateHierarchyName string The name of the hierarchy holding the as-of dates

How to disable it

Disable universally

To disable this feature for all solutions, add this line at the end of your extension’s activate function to unregister the plugin:

const extension: ExtensionModule = {
  activate: async (configuration: Configuration) => {
+    delete configuration.pluginRegistry["menu-item"]["accelerator_plugin-menu-pivot-table-d2d"];
+    Object.values(configuration.pluginRegistry["widget"]).forEach(widgetPlugin => {
+        widgetPlugin.contextMenuItems = widgetPlugin.contextMenuItems.filter( menuItem => menuItem.key !== "accelerator_plugin-menu-pivot-table-d2d")
+    })

Disable for specific servers

To disable this feature for a given server, you must delete this feature’s settings for that server key by altering the basSettings parameter before calling the activate function.

Disabling this feature for the FRTB server only:

+ import {produce} from "immer";
- import {activate as activateFrtb} from "@activeviam/frtb-sdk";
+ import {activate as activateFrtb, basSettings as frtbBASSettings} from "@activeviam/frtb-sdk";
 import {activate as activeMarketRisk} from "@activeviam/mr-sdk";

 const extension: ExtensionModule = {
  activate: async (configuration: Configuration) => {
+    const frtbBASSettingsWithFeatureDisabled = produce(frtbBASSettings, draft => {
+      delete draft["FRTB"]["bas-plugin-menu-item-daytoday"];
+    });

-   activateFrtb({configuration});
+   activateFrtb({configuration, basSetttings: frtbBASSettingsWithFeatureDisabled})