Accelerator Settings


To configure the features of the Accelerator SDK for your Accelerator application, you need to create a settings object. Each feature has its own unique settings key that you must provide for the feature to properly.

You can find the necessary settings for each feature in its corresponding documentation. See Accelerator SDK Features

The Settings Object

An example of a settings object is shown below for a project that uses the File Upload widget:

 projectSettings = {

 "accelerator_navbar-filter.params": {
   dimensionName: "Dates",
   hierarchyName: "Date",

 "accelerator_file-upload.server.whitelist": [SERVER1],

 "accelerator_file-upload.server.params": {
   SERVER1: {
     groupSelectorEnabled: true,
     sendFilePathsRestEndpoint: "/services/rest/whatif/fileUpload/upload/",
     successMessage: "What-if successfully triggered",
       "Please select the topic you wish to contribute to your What-if",
     fileSelectorPlaceholder: "Select a File",
     uploadNamePlaceholder: "What-if Branch Name",
     stagingDirectoryName: "stage",
     filePathSpliterator: "\\",
     selectableDirectories: true,


Certain widgets and features also require a whitelist setting as shown in the snippet above. Each feature’s page states whether a whitelist setting is required or not.

In short, whitelisting is the way that we allow certain widgets or features to work in a combined UI. If you have multiple Accelerators connected to the same UI, you may not want certain features to work with all of the them.

For example, you may want the Parameter Sets widget to be turned on for the FRTB Accelerator, but not for the Market Risk Accelerator.