Adjustments in the DirectQuery database

Sign-off is not supported with DirectQuery, but you may want to deploy a cluster in which there is:

  • one data node that contains in-memory data and for which Sign-Off features are enabled
  • one DirectQuery data node

If the DirectQuery database is used with additional fields in the tables where adjustments can be present, you have to add the following fields:

  • SOURCE: Sign-Off adjustment source tagging (e.g. user input)
  • INPUT_TYPE: type of the adjustment entry (e.g. reversal)

In the tables in which adjustments can be present, these fields need to be added and need to be part of the list of fields defining the primary keys:

Column Name Type Not Null Default Value Description
SOURCE STRING Y ‘Unadjusted’ Sign-Off adjustment source tagging (e.g. user input)
INPUT_TYPE STRING Y ‘Data load’ Sign-Off adjustment source tagging (e.g. reversal)

By default, the fields need to be added to the following tables:

  • PNL

The fields also need to be added to any custom table in your project for which adjustments are supported.

In this setup, use the following configuration for the DirectQuery data node, in addition to the settings already defined to enable horizontal distribution on the data node:

Property Value Description
configuration.sign-off.enable true Flag used to enable Sign-Off-related features.
directquery.withAdjustments true This property is only taken into account if the property configuration.sign-off.enable is true. Specify if columns handling adjustments (SOURCE and INPUT_TYPE) are present in the database used with DirectQuery. If this property is false, those columns are not taken from the database.

For a Sign-Off deployment, the Adjustments and Sign-Off hierarchies are present in the Cube configuration. Therefore, those hierarchies must also be present in the Cube’s definition on the DirectQuery data node to make horizontal distribution possible. To achieve this, in the Cubes using DirectQuery, a “dummy” Sign-Off hierarchy and a regular Adjustments hierarchy are created, using the values in the DirectQuery database for the Source and Input Type levels of the hierarchy.