Configuring schema selections using Spring Beans

This page describes the extension points introduced in MR 4.0.0 that allow you to customize the schema selections through Spring Beans.


Within Atoti Server, a cube is built on a set of fields defined by a schema selection from a datastore.

Most schema selections are configured by default to select all fields in the base store. Therefore, fields added to those stores don’t require a customization to the schema selection.

The extension points are intended to support use cases where the default behavior is inappropriate:

  • a field is added to the store for direct queries only, and shouldn’t be included in the cube
  • a key field is added to multiple stores and the references between them, and shouldn’t be selected multiple times
  • the selection of the common stores (e.g. Trade Attributes, BookHierarchy) needs to be changed
  • the selection for an entire datastore needs to be modified

For a custom configuration, all schema selections are configurable through the following beans:

Bean type Details Datastores
SelectionDescriptionCreator Main schema selection bean, which takes a datastore schema description and applies a series of selection API calls, resulting in a selection description. All datastores expose this bean.
BaseSelectionCreator<T> The base selection for a given datastore and base store name. Used as a parameter for the main bean, will be applied to the created selection description. All datastores expose and apply this bean.
ExtraSelectionApplier<T> Extra selections for a given datastore. Used as a parameter for the main bean, will be applied to the created selection description. All datastores apply this bean.
FieldsCollisionHandler Defines the behavior when two fields in the schema selection have the same name. Available options are the Common Library ClosestExtFieldsCollisionHandler and either static members or custom implementations of the core FieldsCollisionHandler interface. All datastores expose this bean.


The T class used in the table above is an extension of the Atoti Server core CanUseOtherReference and CanBuild interfaces.


The customization Beans are annotated with a @Qualifier, explicitly defining the datastore to which the customization applies.

All @Qualifier constants are defined in the SpringConstants class.

The following qualifiers are available for the cubes in Atoti Market Risk:

Constant Qualifier Type Description
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER pnl-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the PLCube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_SUMMARY_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER pnl-summary-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the PL Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER sensitivity-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the Sensitivity Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_SUMMARY_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER sensitivity-summary-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the Sensitivity Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER var-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the VaR-ES Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_SUMMARY_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER var-summary-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the VaR-ES Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__MARKET_DATA_FIELD_COLLISION_HANDLER market-data-field-collision-handler FieldsCollisionHandler The field collision handler for the Market Data Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_BASE_SELECTION pnl-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the PLCube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_SUMMARY_BASE_SELECTION pnl-summary-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the PL Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_BASE_SELECTION sensitivity-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the Sensitivity Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_SUMMARY_BASE_SELECTION sensitivity-summary-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the Sensitivity Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_BASE_SELECTION var-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the VaR-ES Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_SUMMARY_BASE_SELECTION var-summary-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the VaR-ES Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__MARKET_DATA_BASE_SELECTION market-data-base-selection BaseSelectionCreator The base selection for the Market Data Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_EXTRA_SELECTION pnl-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the PLCube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_SUMMARY_EXTRA_SELECTION pnl-summary-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the PL Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_EXTRA_SELECTION sensitivity-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the Sensitivity Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_SUMMARY_EXTRA_SELECTION sensitivity-summary-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the Sensitivity Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_EXTRA_SELECTION var-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the VaR-ES Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_SUMMARY_EXTRA_SELECTION var-summary-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the VaR-ES Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__MARKET_DATA_EXTRA_SELECTION market-data-extra-selection ExtraSelectionApplier Any extra selections applied to the Market Data Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_SCHEMA_SELECTION pnl-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the PLCube.
SP_QUALIFIER__PNL_SUMMARY_SCHEMA_SELECTION pnl-summary-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the PL Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_SCHEMA_SELECTION sensitivity-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the Sensitivity Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__SENSITIVITY_SUMMARY_SCHEMA_SELECTION sensitivity-summary-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the Sensitivity Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_SCHEMA_SELECTION var-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the VaR-ES Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__VAR_SUMMARY_SCHEMA_SELECTION var-summary-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the VaR-ES Summary Cube.
SP_QUALIFIER__MARKET_DATA_SCHEMA_SELECTION market-data-schema-selection SelectionDescriptionCreator The complete schema selection for the Market Data Cube.

For example, to easily add an extra schema selection for the VaR-ES Cube, define a bean as follows:

   ExtraSelectionApplier<CanUseOtherReference> extraVarSelection() {
       return builder -> builder
           .usingReference(storesToPath(TRADE_BASE_STORE_NAME, "TESTSTORE"))
           .except(AS_OF_DATE, RISK_CLASS);

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