Curve market data file format

The file is used to provide single-axis market prices for the greek-based PL calculations, through the CurveMarketData topic.

The mr.common.file-patterns.curve-market-data property is empty by default, with a potential value available in the CommonFilePatterns.CURVE_MARKET_DATA_FILE_PATTERN constant.

Field Key Nullable Type Description Example
AsOfDate Y N String with format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Indicates value date. 2019-01-01
CurveId Y N String Identifier of the curve. Must match risk factor identifier in the sensitivities files. USD.OIS
MarketDataSet Y N String String defining the market data set, for example "Trader marks" or "Official EOD". Official EOD
Tenor Y N String A tenor, such as 3M, 5Y, and so on. 1Y
Quote Double Market data quote to be used by the greek-based calculation. Must correspond to sensitivities to the same risk factor. 2453.1