[Sign-off].[Sign-off Status]

Description Displays the content of a sign-off task. The hierarchy has three levels.
Dimension Sign-off
Hierarchy Sign-off Status
Levels [Feed, Status, Task]

This is a slicing hierarchy. For more details on this type of hierarchy, see the Atoti UI User Guide.

Level Depth Description Members
Feed 1 How the data are updated INTRA-DAY: the default member, the whole cube data at the latest value.
TOTAL REVIEWABLE: the whole data with frozen perimeters under review.
Status 2 The current sign-off task status For example, “UNAPPROVED”
Task 3 The unique sign-off task name For example: “Sensi BSM::2018-09-28”

The task and status level updates come from the sign-off server via a REST service.

Any ongoing task takes a snapshot (named TOTAL REVIEWABLE) of the corresponding perimeter that will be ready for review, adjustment and approval while the cube could still be updated from the normal feed (named INTRA-DAY).

For more details, see Sign-Off Analysis Hierarchy