File purpose
The hibernate.properties file is used to configure the Content Service database and connections to the Content Server.
File values
Key | Value | Description |
hibernate.connection.driver_class | org.h2.Driver | Driver used for the Hibernate connection to the content server. |
hibernate.dialect | org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect | SQL dialect used for the Hibernate connection to the content server. |
hibernate.connection.url | jdbc:h2:%{dbfile};DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 | URL of the Hibernate connection to the content server. The %{dbfile} token will be resolved internally, based on the hibernate.dbfile.name property and a determined startup protocol (file/jarfile/remote). |
hibernate.dbfile.name | mr_ref_impl_content_service | Name of the dbfile used in the hibernate connection URL. Depending on the startup configuration, will be attached to a resource directory and a protocol (file/jarfile/remote) internally. |
hibernate.dbfile.create-on-reset | true | Toggle for the creation of a new database file if one isn’t provided. If set to ‘false’, the H2 db will default to an in-memory implementation that does not provide persistence. |
hibernate.show_sql | false | Flag used to set up the printing of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. |
hibernate.format_sql | false | Flag used to set up the formatting of the SQL queries in the Hibernate logs. |
hibernate.hikari.connectionTimeout | 300000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a client will wait for a connection from the pool (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.idleTimeout | 60000 | Maximum time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.minimumIdle | 1 | Minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.maximumPoolSize | 20 | Maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.poolName | contentserver | User-defined name for the connection pool. Displayed mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools and pool configurations (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.cachePrepStmts | true | Toggle to enable/disable the caching of prepared statements (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hikari.prepStmtCacheSize | 50 | Number of prepared statements to be cached per connection (connection to the content server). |
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto | update | note Remove this line once the table is created. |