Adding data loading or unloading topics
This page provides a description of how to load a new file into a new store within the Market Risk Accelerator. The techniques employed are generic examples that can be extended, adapted and repeated for any use case you encounter. In all cases, we make minimal changes to the Accelerator Reference Implementation.
Step 1 - Move data to the relevant directory
For this example, we want to bring any custom data to an appropriate
folder inside of : /risk-starter/src/test/resources/data
within the
folder and name our file Custom.csv.
AsOfDate | RiskClass | CustomProjected |
2018-09-26 | Commodity | -6640.633693 |
2018-09-26 | GIRR | 14020.37649 |
2018-09-26 | CSR Sec CTP | 8386.767854 |
2018-09-26 | CSR Sec non-CTP | 19218.3336 |
2018-09-26 | Commodity | -2460.048584 |
2018-09-26 | Equity | 8274.302903 |
2018-09-26 | FX | 2150.845785 |
2018-09-26 | GIRR | 17537.8908 |
2018-09-26 | CSR non-Sec | -25353.39868 |
2018-09-26 | DRC Sec non-CTP | 11319.08548 |
2018-09-26 | FX | 25977.18728 |
2018-09-26 | Commodity | 11714.89133 |
2018-09-26 | Equity | -19844.11309 |
2018-09-26 | FX | 8906.302165 |
2018-09-26 | GIRR | 19617.16455 |
2018-09-26 | DRC non-Sec | 17134.37517 |
Step 2 - Define the datastore and references
To add a new datastore, we will need to create a bean with the signature
@Qualifier(SP_QUALIFIER__CUSTOMISATIONS) Consumer<IDatastoreConfigurator> customisation()
that will be used by
the addModifications()
method inside of the
// 1. This will be all the fields you wish to store in your cube for that particular store.
public Consumer<IDatastoreConfigurator> myCustomisations() {
return Customisations::loadCustomisations;
public static void loadCustomisations(IDatastoreConfigurator configurator) {
Here we can also add a reference, if needed.
IReferenceDescription referenceDescription = configurator.referenceBuilder(FRTBConstants.FRTB_SCHEMA)
.withName(SADatastoreConfig.TRADE_BASE_STORE_NAME + "To" + CUSTOM_STORE)
.withMapping(SADatastoreConfig.AS_OF_DATE, SADatastoreConfig.AS_OF_DATE)
configurator.addReference(FRTBConstants.FRTB_SCHEMA, referenceDescription);
See DatastoreHelper for more information.
Step 3 - Create channel parameters for our data loading topic
The channel parameters for our store include store name, topic name, and file pattern.
Ensure that a file pattern property is defined within
To add channel parameters, we will have to extend the
public class ExtendedSourceConfig extends SourcePatternsConfig {
public static final String FILE_PATTERN_PROP = "custom.file-pattern";
public static final String TOPIC_CUSTOM = "Custom_TOPIC";
public Map<String, IPair<String, String>> sensiFilePatterns()
List<ChannelParameters> channelParametersList = super.sensiFilePatterns();
channelParametersList.add(new ChannelParameters(CUSTOM_STORE, TOPIC_CUSTOM, FILE_PATTERN_PROP));
return channelParametersList;
Step 4 - Ensure that RiskStarterConfig takes our extended class
Navigate to the application config class
Replace SourcePatternsConfig
with ExtendedSourceConfig
@Import(value = {
// SourceConfig.class,
Step 5 - Ensure that our topic is included within InitialDataLoadConfig
InitialDataLoadConfig orchestrates our Topic’s execution.
public Void initialDataLoad() throws IOException {
//In this case it makes sense to include a scope for our files.
for(final LocalDate date: initialLoadAsOfDates()){
final Map<String, Object> fetchScope = new HashMap<>();
fetchScope.put(DataLoadControllerConfig.SCOPE__AS_OF_DATE, date.toString());
controller.execute(new DataLoadControllerRequest(FRTBLoadDataTxControllerTask.PLUGIN_KEY,
Arrays.asList(ExtendedSourceConfig.TOPIC_CUSTOM), fetchScope));