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IMA ES Scenario FX Rates

Download sample file: IMA_ES_ScenarioFX.csv

This file provides FX spot rates used in IMA ES scenarios.

This IMA ES Scenario FX Rates file type is identified using the pattern: **/IMA_ES_ScenarioFX*.csv (as specified by ima.es.scenario-fx.file-pattern). This file is loaded using the EsScenarioFxRates topic. See the Topic Aliases table for an understanding of the topic aliases associated with each topic.

FXHistorical Topic

The EsScenarioFxHistorical topic has the same file format as IMA_ES_ScenarioFX.csv. The difference is the file location.

FxRate Lookup

The FxRate for converting the input currency value into the target currency value is obtained based on the data in the EsScenarioFxRates store.

Similar to the scalar base FX rates, a common currency is used to calculate cross rates.

Field Key Null FieldType Description Example
DataSet Y Y String

The data set to which the entry belongs.

The following different values are possible:

  • “Full Set Current”: data for the last 12 months
  • “Reduced Set Stressed”: data with the reduced set of risk factors for the 12-month stress period
  • “Reduced Set Current”: data with the reduced set of risk factors for the last 12 months
RiskClass Y N String

The risk class, which will be one of the following:

  • GIRR
  • CSR
  • Equity
  • Commodity
  • FX
  • allin
LiquidityHorizon Y Y String The Liquidity Horizon in days: 10, 20, 40, 60, or 120.
BaseCurrency Y N String The left side of the currency pair.
CounterCurrency Y N String The right side of the currency pair
Rates N N Double Vector The vector of FX rates between the two currencies. The vector is index by the same scenarios as the corresponding IMA ES PV vector.
AsOfDate Y N Date ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.