This section provides tips on starting up and interacting with the
Atoti Server, Atoti UI and ActiveMonitor components while you are
developing on Atoti FRTB:
Atoti Server
When developing, you may find it more useful to start up your
Atoti Server instance with Atoti UI embedded from your IDE. You can do
this as follows:
Build all the modules of the project
Use maven to build the project. You can use the
command mvn clean install on the parent pom.
Start the server by
running com.activeviam.frtb.starter.server.FRTBTestApplication which
can be found in the frtb-starter module.
You can access the compiled version of the UI at http://localhost:8080/frtb-starter
Atoti UI
You will need to install the project from the standalone application
folder. This will download all the necessary Javascript dependencies to
run Atoti UI.
If you’re making any changes to Atoti UI and you want to see your
changes get picked up instantly, you can start up a node instance. To do
this, navigate to the application folder and run npm start.
When your node instance is running, you can access Atoti UI on the
URL http://localhost:3000.
When developing, you may find it more useful to start up your
ActiveMonitor instance directly from your IDE. You can do this as
Build all the modules of the project
Use maven to build the project. You can use the
command mvn clean install on the parent pom.
Start the server by
running com.activeviam.frtb.ref.main.FRTBActiveMonitorApplication which
can be found in the frtb-activemonitor module.