Navigation : test ../../ test user-ref.html User & Reference Guide test ../../ test getting-started.html Getting started test ../../ test getting-started/using-this-guide.html - Using this guide test ../../ test getting-started/whats-new.html - What's New test ../../ test getting-started/video-walk-throughs.html - Video walk-throughs test ../../ test getting-started/frtb-data-model.html - FRTB Data Model test ../../ test getting-started/directquery.html - DirectQuery test ../../ test configuration.html Configuration files test ../../ test datastore.html Data Stores test ../../ test database.html Database test ../../ test input-files.html Input Data test ../../ test tutorials.html Tutorials test ../../ test tutorials/data-sanity-check.html - Data Sanity Check test ../../ test tutorials/tips-for-validating-the-calculations.html - Tips for Validating the Calculations test ../../ test tutorials/viewing-qis-numbers.html - Viewing QIS Numbers test ../../ test interpret-impl.html Interpretation and Implementation of the MAR standard test ../../ test cube.html Analytics Reference test ../../ test dev.html Developer Guide test ../../ test dev/dev-release.html - Release and migration notes test ../../ test dev/dev-getting-started.html - Getting Started test ../../ test dev/dev-ui-config.html - Configuring the UI test ../../ test dev/dev-ref-impl.html - FRTB Reference Implementation test ../../ test dev/dev-core.html - FRTB Core test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html - Extending the Solution test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/add-a-new-cube-hierarchy.html -- Adding New Cube Hierarchies test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/add-a-new-cube-measure.html -- Adding New Cube Measures test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/ima-cube-measure-beans.html -- IMA Cube Measure Beans test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/replace-a-cube-measure.html -- Replacing Cube Measures test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/add-a-new-data-loading-unloading-topic.html -- Adding New Data Loading or Unloading Topics test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/organizing-client-customizations-into-seperate-class.html -- Organizing Datastore Helper Customizations into a Separate Class test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/add-a-new-kpi.html -- Adding New KPIs test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/channel-parameter-beans.html -- Replacing ChannelParameters Spring beans test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/add-and-load-new-column-to-existing-file.html -- Adding and Loading New Columns to an Existing File test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/enriching-file-field-adding-column-calculators.html -- Enriching File Fields by Adding Column Calculators test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/set-up-context-values.html -- Setting up context values test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions/dev-guidelines.html -- Developing on the Solution test ../../ test dev/dev-tools.html - Configuring Solution tools and methodologies test ../../ test dev/dev-sign-off.html - Sign-Off test ../../ test dev/dev-direct-query.html - DirectQuery test ../../ test limits.html Limit monitoring test ../../ test sign-off.html Sign-Off Approvals test ../../ test what-if.html What-If Analysis test ../../ test pdf-guides.html PDF Guides test ../../ test glossary.html Glossary Developing on the Solution This section provides guidelines for developing on Atoti FRTB, testing and upgrading. Setting up context values Testing