Admin UI


The Admin UI is a user interface to view the contents of the Content Server and the datastore. For more information on the Content Server, see Atoti Server documentation Atoti Server Content Server

Admin UI

Admin UI

Set up the Admin UI

To set up the Admin UI:

  1. Import the admin-ui dependency into the cvarc-starter module:
  1. Create a new directory, admin-ui, within./cvarc-starter/src/main/resources/static.
  2. Add this env*.js file to /static/admin-ui directory:
var baseUrl = window.serverUrl = location.protocol + "//" + + '/cvarc-starter';
var atotiServerVersion = "6.0.0";

window.env = {
  contentServerUrl: baseUrl,
  contentServerVersion: atotiServerVersion,
  activePivotServers: {
    CVARC: {
      url: baseUrl,
      version: atotiServerVersion,
  1. Import this env*.js as a static resource. This can be accomplished by registering a new static resource handler to our ResourceHandlerRegistry.

    Here is a snippet of how to add a new static resource with the ResourceHandlerRegistry fluent API:
public class StaticResourcesHandler implements WebMvcConfigurer {

    // Env.js location within the project
    public static final String ADMIN_UI_DIRECTORY = "/static/admin-ui/";
    // The Admin UI url path
    public static final String ADMIN_UI_PATH = "/admin/ui/";

    public void addResourceHandlers(final ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
        LoggerFactory.getLogger(StaticResourcesHandler.class.getCanonicalName()).info("Loading static resources");
        // Adding the Admin UI as a static resource
        registry.addResourceHandler(ADMIN_UI_PATH + "env*.js").
                addResourceLocations("classpath:" + ADMIN_UI_DIRECTORY).
                // Resolve env.js to the temp file with the custom port
                // Could also just use {}:{window.port} ?
                        addResolver(new EnvJsResourceResolver(tempEnvJsGenerator("classpath:" + ADMIN_UI_DIRECTORY))).
                addResolver(new EncodedResourceResolver()).
                addResolver(new PathResourceResolver());