Migration notes 4.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of Atoti What-If.

Migrate to 4.0.0-AS6.1

Upgrading from version 3.0.4, see Atoti What-If 4.0.0-AS6.1 Release Notes.

Atoti What-If is using Atoti Server 6.1.0.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the Release notes for Atoti Server.

Headline announcement

  • Java 21: Atoti What-If has been upgraded to Java 21.
  • Atoti Server 6.1.0: Atoti What-If has been upgraded to Atoti Server 6.1.0.
  • Removed IDistributedQueryResultsMerger methods: The IDistributedQueryResultsMerger interface has been updated to reflect the core database service API.
  • The DatabaseSimulationsRestService now matches Atoti Server REST services: The DatabaseSimulationsRestService is correctly added to the Atoti Server versions REST endpoint. The namespace and path have also been updated to match Atoti Server REST services.

Version upgrades

Atoti What-If has been upgraded to Java 21, and Atoti Server 6.1.0. This upgrade is not backwards compatible and therefore will require a similar upgrade on the application side.

Removed IDistributedQueryResultsMerger methods

The core API no longer returns any value when branches are deleted or fast-forwarded, so the methods merging results from multiple remote database services have been removed from the distributed query results merger.

The DatabaseSimulationsRestService

The REST service is now added to the Atoti Server versions REST service through the AtotiRestController annotation.

The namespace, version and path have also been changed to match the Atoti Server REST services:

Part Old New
Namespace what-if/ /activeviam/what-if
Version 2 v3
Path /services/rest/what-if/ /activeviam/what-if/rest/v3