Migration notes 2.1

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of Atoti What-If.

Migrate to 2.1.4-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 2.1.3 See Atoti What-If 2.1.4-AS6.0 Release Notes.

No migration required from Atoti What-If 2.1.4-AS6.0.

Migrate to 2.1.3-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 2.1.2 See Atoti What-If 2.1.3-AS6.0 Release Notes.

No migration required from Atoti What-If 2.1.2-AS6.0.

Migrate to 2.1.2-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 2.1.1 See Atoti What-If 2.1.2-AS6.0 Release Notes.

No migration required from Atoti What-If 2.1.1-AS6.0.

Migrate to 2.1.1-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 2.1.0 See Atoti What-If 2.1.1-AS6.0 Release Notes.

No migration required from Atoti What-If 2.1.0-AS6.0.

Headline announcement

  • Distribution synchronization fix: The RestDistributedDatabaseService now waits from cluster notifications between all operations that trigger a cluster update.
  • Query pagination temporary fix: All JsonDatabaseQuery queries generated internally now set the page size to Integer.MAX_VALUE - 100000 to minimize the potential for missing rows due to pagination.

Migrate to 2.1.0-AS6.0

Upgrading from version 2.0.0 See Atoti What-If 2.1.0-AS6.0 Release Notes.

Atoti What-If is using Atoti Server 6.0.5.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see:

Headline announcement

  • Removed DatabaseSimulationsUtils.MASTER_BRANCH constant: The DatabaseSimulationsUtils.MASTER_BRANCH constant has been removed.
  • Added DatabaseSimulationsRestService to Spring versions endpoint: DatabaseSimulationsRestService’s /version REST endpoint has been marked deprecated.

Removed DatabaseSimulationsUtils.MASTER_BRANCH constant

The DatabaseSimulationsUtils.MASTER_BRANCH constant has been removed. Please use IEpoch.MASTER_BRANCH_NAME from Atoti Server instead.