What's New

This page provides a brief overview of the user-facing new features and improvements in the latest version of Atoti Sign-Off.

For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, see our Changelog.



Improved widgets

The Adjustment executions widget now supports sorting from the column headers.

The Task Toolbox filters now also apply to the Adjustment executions widget, so you can easily see adjustments relating to a given task. A new checkbox in the Task Toolbox lets you prevent filters from being applied to the relevant widgets.

For details, see Task Toolbox.

Bug fixes

This release fixes a number of bugs. For details, see the Changelog.



New features

New engine

Atoti Sign-Off 5.2.0 is powered by the latest version of Atoti Server and Spring. The result is a faster, safer application, which you can customize using the most modern stack available.


Custom UI Exceptions

Adjustment improvements

  • When performing an adjustment, in the Create Adjustment dialog, the Value field is now formatted to improve readability.
  • To assist with reviewing, the filters and the measure an adjustment was applied to is now available in the adjustment audit history to assist with reviewing.
  • When an analysis hierarchy is used as an input, the members are pre-populated in the Create Adjustment dialog.

Task Definition improvements

  • You can now export task definitions to CSV directly from the Sign-off Task Definitions widget. For more information, see Uploading and downloading tasks
  • You can now select all task definitions by clicking the Select All checkbox.



New features

Re-applying adjustments

Experience uninterrupted workflow efficiency with our latest enhancement. In the rare event of an application server disruption, this feature ensures that any prior adjustments for tasks awaiting approval are instantly and accurately re-applied upon restart. Keep your focus on the tasks that matter, as our system diligently safeguards your progress for a seamless transition back to business as usual.

For more details, see Adjustments.


Multi-member selection

Create more complex scopes with our improvement to member selection. You can now select multiple members within a given level, instead of just one. For more information on setting up the scope of a sign-off task definition, see Creating a sign-off task.

Unique task names

This improvement helps eliminate ambiguity and ensures good naming practices. Task definitions must now be created with a unique name. Creating a task definition with a name that already exists in the database results in an error.

For information on creating sign-off tasks, see Creating a sign-off task.



This is a UI-only release that allows you to disable adjustments on restricted data and to create sign-off tasks for all available application servers.


This version of the Sign-Off Module can only be used with Business Cubes that are on Atoti UI 5.1.x.



This is a UI-only release that makes the Sign-Off Module compatible with Atoti UI version 5.1.0 or higher.


This version of the Sign-Off Module can only be used with Business Cubes that are on Atoti UI 5.1.x.



This is a UI-only release that resolves an issue with combining the UIs of Sign-Off and Atoti Market Risk.

  • Accelerator-sdk: upgraded to 5.0.20
  • Atoti UI: Upgraded to 5.0.23



This is a UI-only release that completely rewrites the Sign-Off widgets. They look and work mostly the same but are much more stable and performant.

Some settings and exports have been renamed, check the Release notes to see if it impacts you.

This version of the UI can work with both version 5.0.0 and versions 4.2.x of the Sign-Off module.

  • Upgrade to accelerator-sdk 5.0.16
  • Upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.20
  • Renamed @activeviam/sign-off to @activeviam/signoff-sdk
  • Refactoring and new design of the Sign-Off Toolbox
  • Refactoring of the Sign-Off Daily Progress and Sign-Off Task Definitions Widgets
  • Refactoring of the Adjustments Widgets



  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 6.0.1.


    As the definition of REST services has changed between ActivePivot 5.x and ActivePivot 6.x, the Sign-Off Module 5.0.0 is only compatible with ActivePivot 6.x applications.

  • Upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.18



This is a UI-only release that has updated Accelerator-sdk and ActiveUI dependencies.

For details, see the Release notes.



  • Renaming MRA to MR: The MRA accelerator is renamed to ‘MR’ from version 4.0.0 onwards. The configuration of the sign-off application is modified accordingly.
  • Upgrade to accelerator-sdk 5.0.10



  • Support for multiple hierarchies and levels in Sign-Off scope.
  • Refactoring of Sign-Off and Adjustment components.

For migration notes, see Migration Notes.

New features

Support for multiple hierarchies and levels in Sign-Off scope

When specifying the scope of the Sign-Off tasks, you can now add multiple levels, and any level depth within a given hierarchy.

See Multiple / Parent-Child scopes for details.


Refactoring of Sign-Off and Adjustment components: Sign-Off and Adjustment components have been pulled out of the workflow-core module and moved into the signoff-activeviam module.

See the Migration Notes.



  • Improvement: Support for top-of-house sign-off tasks


Support for top-of-house sign-off tasks : In previous versions of the Sign-Off Module, non-empty filters were mandatory in sign-off tasks. Empty filters are now supported to allow the sign-off of data for a whole business day.

See Creating sign-off tasks



  • Fix issue with multiple inputs in adjustments pop-over: In Sign-Off version 4.0.0, the adjustments popup did not handle multiple inputs properly. This has been fixed.



  • Improvements in the way sample workflows are defined:

    • Activiti signals are no longer used; the roll-back action is now used instead.
    • User tasks have been added for adjustment operations (requests for adjustment creation and deletion) to use Activiti for the permissioning of these operations instead of logic coded in Java.
    • Permissioning: the concept of ‘initiating user’ has been introduced:
      • Only the user who initiates a given sign-off process instance can perform adjustments, and request approval operations on that instance.
      • A technical user in now defined for actions like roll-back. Roll-back can be performed by the technical user and by the initiating user.
      • We now rely on the Activiti process instance variables to handle the permissioning instead of retrieving the current user from the Spring Security context.
  • Deleting individual adjustments is now possible:

    • Previously, adjustments could only be deleted in bulk when a signal was triggered. See Discarding Adjustments.
  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 5.10.6

  • Upgrade to ActiveUI 5.0.6

  • Renaming of module signoff-core to workflow-core

New features

Ability to delete individual adjustments: The deletion of individual adjustments can now be requested. Previously, adjustments could only be deleted in bulk when a signal was triggered.

See Discarding Adjustments.

4.0.0 Alpha


  • Improvements in the way sample workflows are defined:

    • Activiti signals are no longer used; the roll-back action is now used instead.
    • User tasks have been added for adjustment operations (requests for adjustment creation and deletion) to use Activiti for the permissioning of these operations instead of logic coded in Java.
    • Permissioning: the concept of ‘initiating user’ has been introduced:
      • Only the user who initiates a given sign-off process instance can perform adjustments, and request approval operations on that instance.
      • A technical user in now defined for actions like roll-back. Roll-back can be performed by the technical user and by the initiating user.
      • We now rely on the Activiti process instance variables to handle the permissioning instead of retrieving the current user from the Spring Security context.
  • Deleting individual adjustments is now possible:

    • Previously, adjustments could only be deleted in bulk when a signal was triggered. See Discarding Adjustments.
  • Upgrade to ActivePivot 5.10.6

New features

Ability to delete individual adjustments: The deletion of individual adjustments can now be requested. Previously, adjustments could only be deleted in bulk when a signal was triggered.

See Discarding Adjustments.



  • Recurring adjustments : Recurring adjustments are now loaded when a sign-off task is initiated.
  • Roll-back feature : During the execution of a sign-off workflow, it is now possible to go back to the initiate state from any point in the workflow.
  • Datastore/cubes: Two new hierarchies have been added to the adjustments executions cube: [validFrom] and [validTo], to provide the validity period of the corresponding adjustments definitions

New features


  • Recurring adjustments are now supported: when a sign-off task is initiated, the recurring adjustments valid for the current as of date are executed. See Recurring Adjustments

  • A roll-back feature is now available from the sign-off workflow: at any point of the sign-off workflow, it is possible to go back to the initiate state of a sign-off task to start the sign-off process again. See Rollback


  • Adjustments widget: The valid from and valid to dates are now present in the Adjustments widget.

3.1.0 Alpha

This is an Alpha release of the Sign-Off Module. It is not meant to be used in a production system.

The following features are not implemented yet:

  • roll-back of a sign-off process instance
  • execution of persisted adjustments

Known issues

Issue Key Details
[SO-158] Adjustment status hierarchy has to be on rows in Adjustments dashboard
[SO-153] Cube level adjustments can only now be done on specific table (example in Adjustments bookmarks)
[SO-155] In bookmarks, storytelling won’t work if ID of target bookmark changes
[SO-157] Adjustments on scope for tasks that cover more than two desks won’t work directly

Fixed issues


New features


  • The support for adjustments is now more comprehensive: new tables have been added to the application database and to the audit database to persist adjustments and provide an audit trail.

  • In the Application database, two new tables have been added: ADJUSTMENTDEFINITION and ADJUSTMENTEXECUTION



  • The Sign-Off Module has been upgraded to ActivePivot 5.9.6.

  • The Sign-Off Module now supports the connection to multiple application servers.

  • A list implementation of adjustments support has been provided.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
[SO-106] UI link to documentation is broken.
[SO-20] The Task Toolbox does not change to slicing date after the previous asOfDate filter is removed.
The Compute action to compute difference, average, and sum for selected columns is not working, due to the upgrade to ActiveUI 4.3.13. As a workaround, create calculated measures manually.


The Sign-Off Module has been repackaged to make its customization easier.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
[SO-20] The Task Toolbox does not change to slicing date after the previous asOfDate filter is removed.
The Compute action to compute difference, average, and sum for selected columns is not working, due to the upgrade to ActiveUI 4.3.13. As a workaround, create calculated measures manually.


Fixed Issues

The following issues have been fixed in 2.2.0:

Issue Key Details
[SO‑19] Primary key collisions in tables for history objects have been fixed. Unit tests that could fail intermittently now pass.


For historical records (records that extend the abstract class AHistoryRecordEntity), the primary key has been changed: it now uses the new HistoryRecordId class as implementation of the primary key. This avoids primary key collisions that could happen with database table definitions of previous versions of the Sign-Off Module.

Known issues

Issue Key Details
[SO–20] The Task Toolbox does not change to slicing date after the previous asOfDate filter is removed.
The Compute action to compute difference, average, and sum for selected columns is not working, due to the upgrade to ActiveUI 4.3.13. This will be fixed in the next release. As a workaround, create calculated measures manually.


New features

4-eyes KPI workflow

A sample workflow with automated approval at initiation when the KPIs associated to a sign-off task all have a status of “1” (i.e. the status of the KPI is green).

For details, see Customizing sign-off backend

Fixed Issues

The following issues have all been fixed in 2.1.0:

  • Sign-off is now available for the previous asOfDates (change it using content editor).

  • Sign-off Tasks Definition widget now checks after any updates are performed on the table to update the state of the button.

Known issues

Synchronisation between database transactions

The synchronisation of transactions between the application database, the audit log database and the Activiti database needs to be improved.
With the current implementation of database transactions, some unit tests might fail intermittently due to the fact that the successive operations performed in these tests are done within a very short time frame.

Slicing date in Task Toolbox

Task Toolbox does not change to slicing date after previous asOfDate filter is removed.


New features

Completely restructured application

The Sign-Off Module has been rewritten from scratch with a new, more modular architecture. The sign-off back end is now a standalone component and the sign-off UI has been put into its own SDK

For details, see What is the Sign-Off Module

Known issues

Sign-off is only possible for the latest asOfDate

(Sign-off for previous dates will be added to the next release)

Error in Sign-off Tasks Definition widget when clicking an action button

Instability sometimes occurs if no sign-off tasks are selected in the Sign-off Tasks Definition widget, clicking the action button (Archive/Delete/Publish) picks up the latest selected sign-off task and causes an error.