Building and deploying the Module

Building the Project

Maven Repositories

  • From the ActiveViam share page, download the maven repository for the version of Atoti Server the Atoti Sign-Off is based on (will be specified in the release notes of the Atoti Sign-Off you are deploying). The zip file containing the maven repository will be called maven-repository-<version number>.zip.

  • From the Sign-Off Module Release Notes page, follow the directions to the Distribution Files section and download the maven repository for Atoti Sign-Off (contains all dependencies required to build the Module that aren’t included in the Atoti Server download). A zip file containing the maven repository will be called signoff-<version number>

Add these repositories to your existing maven repository.


Download and unzip the source package from the Artifactory page.


  1. Once you have added all the maven repositories and extracted the source code, run mvn install on the parent pom file to build the entire project.

    This will build the Atoti Server executable JAR file (signoff-tool/signoff-starter/target/sign-off-exec.jar)

  2. When the build is complete, you must deploy it. See Deployment

  3. Build the standalone UI application using npm or yarn.

  4. Deploy the UI application.


See Project configuration.


Atoti Server

Atoti Sign-Off is a Spring Boot application that builds to an executable JAR. To deploy the executable JAR files, simply use the following command:

java -jar sign-off-exec.jar

Note the executable JAR will publish the application on a specific port. To configure the port and context path, two properties are used:server.portand server.servlet.context-path. The default values are in resources/application.yaml, the standard configuration file for Spring Boot applications.

For example:

java -jar sign-off-exec.jar --server.port=<port>

This can also be changed by externalising the properties files (see Externalising Properties Files ).

The Sign-offf server will be available at: http://<your hostname>:9090/

Atoti UI

For details on activating the UI features, see UI Activation.