Storytelling in the Sign-Off Module

What is Storytelling

Storytelling enables you to create custom context actions that allow you to drill-through and analyze data in a different dashboard.

For example, in the Sign-Off Module, you can build a dashboard for a specific adjustment. Then, in your primary dashboard, you can create a context action so that you can quickly drill-through and make adjustments.

Setting up Storytelling

This section provides the steps to set up Storytelling by first building a drilldown dashboard and then creating a custom action.

Building a drilldown dashboard

To begin, build and save a dashboard that contains a pivot table with all necessary levels and measures for your desired adjustment. This will be the target dashboard for your custom action.

To see which levels and measures are necessary for your pivot table, see the supported REST call.

Example MDX query for sensitivity adjustments:

  NON EMPTY Hierarchize(
      [Risk].[Tenor Dates].[Tenor Date].Members,
      [Risk].[Risk Factors].[RiskFactor].Members,
      [Risk].[Risk Factors Secondary].[RiskFactor2].Members,
      [Risk].[Maturity Dates].[Maturity Date].Members,
  ) ON ROWS,
  NON EMPTY Crossjoin(
      [Measures].[Delta Native],
      [Measures].[Gamma Native]
  FROM [Sensitivity Cube]

Creating a custom action

Now that you have created your target dashboard, open your primary dashboard, create the new context action, and then save the primary dashboard.

Below is a visual walkthrough.

Performing adjustments

With the context action now saved to your primary dashboard, you can quickly make adjustments.

Right-click any cell in the pivot table within your primary dashboard and jump to the adjustment dashboard. All of the filters from the cell where the context action was initiated (on your primary dashboard) are applied in the adjustment dashboard.

See Adjustments
