Migration notes 3.0.0

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Atoti Sign-Off API.

Migrate to 3.0.0

Upgrading from version 2.1.0, see the Atoti Sign-Off API 3.0.0 Release Notes.

Upgrade to Java 17

The library has been upgraded to Java 17, and all dependencies have been upgraded to match either Atoti Server dependencies or Spring dependencies.

Upgrade to Common Parent POM and Common Dependencies BOM 1.2.0

The library has been upgraded to Common Parent POM and Common Dependencies BOM 1.2.0. This has changed the top level group ID to com.activeviam.apps.

To use the library, please import it as:


Removal of adjustments functionality

All adjustments functionality has been migrated to the Atoti Adjustments Services API.