Atoti Market Data overview

Atoti Market Data offers an API for retrieving and processing market data across various sources. The library provides interfaces for integrating market data into applications, supporting interpolation techniques, and allowing flexible configurations.

Market data retrieval

Atoti Market Data provides retrieval methods for various types of market data:

Type Description
Single market data retrieval Retrieve a single market data value based on specified coordinates, like date, market data set, or instrument.
Curve data retrieval Retrieve market data organized along a single axis, such as a yield curve or interest rate curve.
Surface data retrieval Retrieve market data organized along two axes, such as volatility surfaces (dependent on both tenor and moneyness).
Cube data retrieval Retrieve multi-dimensional data from a cube (for example, volatility cubes or interest rate cubes), with dimensions like tenor, moneyness, and underlying maturities.
FX rate data retrieval Retrieve foreign exchange rates and the list of available currencies from the FX rate market data store.

Interpolation techniques

The library supports multiple interpolation techniques for estimating missing or intermediate data points within market data:

Interpolation type Description
Curve Useful for estimating unknown values between two or more known values along a curve. For example in yield, volatility, term structure, or interest rate curves.
Surface Supports interpolation across two axes, such as tenor and moneyness, to estimate data points on a volatility surface.

Configuration and customization

Atoti Market Data provides a set of Spring Boot Starter configurations for managing market data stores and retrievers. These configurations simplify integration and setup within Atoti applications.

Customizations include:

  • Setting default values or market data date shifts. For example, retrieving the current/previous/next day’s data.
  • Defining interpolation modes as needed.
  • Overriding coordinates with the help of post-processors.

The Atoti Market Data Library interfaces and implementations

The library provides a number of interfaces and implementations for retrieval and interpolation services. These can be used as a base for custom implementations of the interfaces, or as-is.

For details on the available interfaces and implementations, see the relevant section.

The Atoti Market Data Spring Boot Starter

Configuration classes are included for:

  • Stores (and specific retrievers)
  • Services (retrievers and interpolators)

For details on the available configuration files and their behavior, see the relevant section.

Enabling the default configuration

To enable the Atoti Market Data default configuration, import the Atoti Market Data Spring Boot Starter in your application:


This library does not provide source configuration. You can implement it as appropriate for your project.

Configuration and implementation details

For detailed information about the implementation and configuration, please refer to:

Topic Section
Retrieval Data retrieval
Interpolation Interpolation APIs
Post-processors Post-processors
Configuration Properties Configuration Properties
Stores CubeMarketData