
For information on upgrading from previous versions, see the Atoti Market Data Migration Notes




  • Upgrade to Atoti Server 6.1.0-rc2: Atoti Market Data has been upgraded to Atoti Server 6.1.0-rc2.
  • Java 21: Atoti Market Data 0.9.0 requires Java 21.
  • Improvements to overridden store values in post-processors: Overridden store values can now be the same length as the required levels and are declared as an array.
  • Added FX rate post-processors: Two FX rate post-processors have been added to the library.
  • FX rate on a currency against itself: The contextual FX rate retriever returns 1.0 when an FX rate is requested for a currency against itself.
  • Extensible SingleMarketDataPostProcessor: The SingleMarketDataPostProcessor is now extensible, allowing the static measure() method to be replaced with an appropriate one for the extension.
  • Store name suffix A suffix can be defined for all store names. By default, that suffix is the empty string.
  • SingleMarketDataPostProcessor split: The selection of a market data container based on a post-processor property has been moved into a new post-processor, APropertyMarketDataPostProcessor.


Issue Key Details
BAST-1134 Two FX rate post-processors have been added to the library.
BAST-1141 Added property to append suffix to store names.


Issue Key Details
BAST-1117 Updated Atoti Market Data to Atoti Server 6.1.0-rc2.
BAST-1131 Changed overriddenStoreValues to array instead of list to match requiredLevels in ADefaultMarketDataPostProcessor
BAST-1140 Allowed the possibility to have no interpolation mode defined in the CurveMarketDataPostProcessor, SurfaceMarketDataPostProcessor and CubeMarketDataPostProcessor classes.
BAST-1146 The selection of a market data container based on a post-processor property has been moved into a new post-processor, APropertyMarketDataPostProcessor.
BAST-1158 The AContextualMarketDataRetriever#createCacheKey method now returns CompositeKey.


Issue Key Details
BAST-1129 Allowed the retrieval of a market data when overriddenStoreValues has the same length as requiredLevels in ADefaultMarketDataPostProcessor.
BAST-1130 Removed the setting of the DATASTORE_TICK continuous query handler and allowed the list of continuous query handlers to be passed on instead.
BAST-1133 Return 1.0 when an FX rate is requested for a currency against itself.
BAST-1138 The SingleMarketDataPostProcessor is now extensible, allowing the static measure() method to be replaced with an appropriate one for the extension.
BAST-1139 The Common Lib dependency has been removed, removing NoClassDefFound errors.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.1.0-rc2
Common Dependencies BOM 2.0.1 (com.activeviam.apps)
Common Parent POM 2.0.1 (com.activeviam.apps)
Java JDK21




  • Standalone Market Data module: Atoti Market Data is now a standalone module, with a release cycle independent of Atoti Market Risk.


Issue Key Details
MR-1801 Extracted Atoti Market Data from the Atoti Market Risk codebase.

Dependency versions

Component Version
Atoti Server 6.0.14-sb3
Common Dependencies BOM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Common Parent POM 2.0.0 (com.activeviam.apps)
Java JDK17