Migration notes 1.0.1

This page explains the changes required to migrate to the stated version of the Limits Module.

Migrate to 1.0.1

Upgrading from version 1.0.0 See Limits 1.0.1 Release Notes.

The Accelerator is using ActivePivot 5.10.9 and ActiveUI 5.0.15.

For new features and fixes included in these releases, please see the ActiveUI documentation and ActiveUI Migration Notes, and the release notes for ActivePivot.

Headline announcement

  • Alert Evaluation Stability Improvements: Limits on Wildcards and multiple locations can now be evaluated using the /evaluate endpoint.

Input file formats

No changes.

Configuration files

Files Modified


Deleted properties:

Property Name Note
alert.evaluation.timeout Timeout is now sent as part of the request body of the /evaluate endpoint


No changes.

Cube schema

No changes.


No changes.

Context values

No changes.

Other changes

Numerous changes must be made to the BPMN files, including Exception BPMN files, to interact with the getWorkflowUIActions and executeWorkflow endpoints. For details, see Update User Tasks.