Limit Structures

Download sample file: limit_structures.csv

This file is used to create Limit Structures in bulk. For information on how to upload Limit Structures using this file, see Upload new limits.

Column Name Description Required Value Example
Group Name of a group of limits. Group is a way of organizing similar limits. N Equity Desk
Structure ID The ID of the structure. Y id_desk_00023
Name The KPI name created in the business Cube. Y Delta
Comment Note about the limit. N This is a comment
Polling Frequency Data time relevancy of the limit (End of day, Intraday). Y EOD
KPI Type The type of KPI (supported types are Greater Than, Less Than). Y Greater Than
Absolute Value Indicator Is the Limit Value an absolute value. Y false
Warning Threshold Percent value from a breach where a user will receive a warning. N 10
Measure Name Measure of the KPI. Y PV
Scope Keys The left-hand side of the Limit’s Scope or the Scope’s level value. Y Book
Limit Changes Workflow Limit Change workflow type. The following approval types are available:
- FourEyes
- SixEyes
- StraightThrough
N Four Eyes
Limit Changes Workflow Parameters The party charged with reviewing a limit’s workflow. Potential options are USERS or MANAGERS. See APPROVERS and EXAMINERS. N Approvers=MANAGERS
Exception Workflow Exception workflow type: the workflow that handles a limit with a BREACHED or WARNING status. N Exception
Utilization Dashboard ID The ID of a utilization dashboard that may exist for the limit structure. The ID maps to a dashboard ID in the content server. N b3a
Cube Name Name of the Cube for the KPI. Y Sensitivity Cube
Server Name Name of the server the Cube is running. Y MR