UI settings

Module settings

A module is designed to operate on top of an existing server. This interaction is configured through the Module Settings, and because this is specific to each setup, these do not come with a default value.

Cube-specific module settings

Atoti Limits does not require cube-specific module settings anymore as of version 3.3.0.

Limits module settings

Key Type Description Example
serverNameToServerKey Record<string, string> Maps an application server name as known by the Limits server to its server key as known by the UI. {"FRTB": "FRTB", "MarketRisk": "MR"}
availableApplicationServers Array<string> An array of application server keys which will connect to the limits server. A server key not listed in this setting is considered excluded from the scope of the module. ["FRTB", "CVARC"]

Limits settings

Key Type Description Example
auditTrailNodeColors {green: string[]; blue: string[]; red: string[]} Maps a color to a list of statuses. This helps classifying statuses in the limit and exception audit trail panel.
limitsRESTEndpoint string The service part of the URL of Atoti Limits REST services. /limits/rest/v2
limitsServerName string The server key for the server hosting Atoti Limits. "LIMITS"
restrictedScopes Record<CubeName, Array<{dimensionName: string, hierarchyName: string, namePath: string[]}>> The list of scopes which will not appear in the scope selector when adding new limits. {StandardisedApproachCube: [{dimensionName: "Booking", hierarchyName: "Books", namePath: ["AllMember", "CM_OILGAS", "BK_CSR_1"]}]}
maxScopeMembersQueryResult number The maximum number of members to retrieve per scope when creating limits. 1000