Navigation :
test ../../ test dev.html
Developer Guide
test ../../ test dev/dev-release.html
Release and migration notes
test ../../ test dev/getting-started.html
Getting started
test ../../ test dev/dev-ui-config.html
Configuring the UI
test ../../ test dev/dev-extensions.html
Extending the Module
test ../../ test dev/integration.html
How to Connect Limits to an Atoti Server
test ../../ test dev/integration/multi-server-activate.html
-- Multi-server Activation
test ../../ test dev/integration/java.html
Atoti Java
test ../../ test dev/integration/python.html
Atoti Limits Python plugin
test ../../ test dev/integration/performance.html
-- Performance
test ../../ test dev/alert-tasks.html
Evaluating Limits
test ../../ test dev/scopes.html
Limit Scopes
test ../../ test dev/limit-workflow.html
Limit Workflow
test ../../ test dev/date-roll.html
- Date Roll
test ../../ test dev/restful-endpoint.html
- RESTful endpoints
test ../../ test dev/security.html
- Required Roles
test ../../ test user-ref.html
User & Reference Guide
test ../../ test user-ref/limits-overview.html
Atoti Limits Overview
test ../../ test user-ref/whats-new.html
- What's New
test ../../ test user-ref/videos.html
- Video walk-throughs
test ../../ test user-ref/using-limits.html
Manage limits
test ../../ test user-ref/manage-incidents.html
Manage incidents
test ../../ test user-ref/input-files.html
Input file formats
test ../../ test user-ref/configuration.html
Configuration files
test ../../ test user-ref/cube.html
Cube reference
test ../../ test user-ref/datastore.html
Atoti Limits Python plugin
The Atoti Limits Python plugin allows the Atoti Python API to auto-connect to a running Atoti Limits server once the session and cube have been created.
For details on installation and usage, see the dedicated Atoti Limits Python plugin Documentation .
Compatibility Matrix
The version of the Atoti Limits Python plugin must match the version of the Atoti Python API with which it is trying to connect.