What's New

This page provides a brief overview of the user-facing new features and improvements in the latest version of Data Connectors supported by ActivePivot 5.9.

For bug fixes and developer-facing changes, see our Changelog.



  • Fixed issue reading Extraction Templates defined inside JAR files. Template Orders can now properly be read from within a JAR.



  • Added new DlcMessageHandler to catch exceptions thrown during CSV tuple publishing. Usage and examples can be found in the Creating Custom CSV Message Handlers section.
  • Fixed issue where DLC would throw exception when Stop Listening on a Topic-Alias or on multiple Topics.
  • Allow all query types to use the formatNAToEmpty parameter.
  • Removed ClassCastException in ADataExtractionRestService.getTaskIds that caused DEE error messages to get eaten.
  • Added support for template place holders in GetAggregatesQuery



  • Removed dependency that caused issues connection AP to Excel.



  • Added APM Monitoring and Logging to DEE.
  • Fixed bug where ADatastoreTransactionTask was logging time in Milliseconds rather than Nanoseconds.