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Tracing in DirectQuery

The APM module is tracing DirectQuery connector requests.
When enabled, APM produces a span tree for each request, describing all the executed sub-tasks.
These sub-tasks are tagged with additional information, such as the executed SQL query or the query id in the external database.
Each span tree can then be added to the logs or sent to a correlation server like Zipkin or simply logged.

Basic tracing log reporting

For your convenience DirectQuery provides two sample spring configuration classes which activate a basic log reporting :

  • Sleuth generic version DirectQueryBasicTracingConfig
  • Brave version DirectQueryBraveBasicTracingConfig

These configurations will report span in logger activeviam.basic-tracing. These could be customized with :

  • activeviam.directquery.spring.tracing.basic.level:
    • default value FINE
    • Tune the tracing logger level
  • activeviam.directquery.spring.tracing.basic.logTraceIdsInMessage:
    • default value true
    • Turn off the trace ids (spanId, parentId, traceId) in the log payload message. These could be already logged with the appender.

Minimal logging

Without tracing activated, DirectQuery connector provide a minimal logging of the API and external queries.
This logging is made at the FINE level.