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Using Custom Types with DirectQuery

When using DirectQuery, Atoti retrieves data from the remote database. DirectQuery has sensible defaults to read the different data types from the remote database into common data types. However, in some situations where the remote type is complex or one wishes to customize the resulting type, it is possible to adjust it.

This guide describes how to do this.

Define the Custom Type

First, we define two custom types: they are simple wrappers around a String and a double.

public static class CustomShop {
final String shopName;
public static CustomShop getDefaultValue() {
return new CustomShop("N/A");
public String toString() {
return "CustomShop(shopName=" + this.shopName + ")";
public static class CustomPrice {
final double price;
public static CustomPrice getDefaultValue() {
return new CustomPrice(0.0);
public String toString() {
return "CustomPrice(price=" + this.price + ")";

Adjust the database schema

We customize the field in the "SALES" table definition.

final Table salesTable = session.discoverTable(TableId.of(PROJECT_ID, "tutorial", "SALES"));
final Field shopField = salesTable.getField("SHOP");
final Field updatedShopField = shopField.withCustomType(
(final Object value) -> new CustomShop(value.toString()));
final Table updatedSalesTable = salesTable.updateField("SHOP", updatedShopField);

If the column contains a primitive types (such as int or double), it is more efficient to use a specific API.

We use such an API to customize the "PRODUCTS" table definition:

final Table productsTable = session.discoverTable(TableId.of(PROJECT_ID, "tutorial", "PRODUCTS"));
final Field priceField = productsTable.getField("PURCHASE_PRICE");
final Field updatedPriceField = priceField.withCustomTypeFromDouble(
(final double value) -> new CustomPrice(value));
final Table updatedProductsTable = productsTable.updateField("PURCHASE_PRICE", updatedPriceField);

The schema and database are created as usual:

final SqlJoin join = SqlJoin.builder()
.fieldMappings(Set.of(new FieldMapping("PRODUCT", "PRODUCT_ID")))
final Schema schema = Schema.builder()
.withExternalTables(List.of(updatedSalesTable, updatedProductsTable), List.of(join))

Run a query

We can run a simple query, to check it works:

final Application app = session.applicationBuilder().schema(schema).build();
final IDatabaseVersion databaseVersion = app.getDatabase().getHead(MASTER_BRANCH_NAME);
final ListQuery query = databaseVersion.getQueryManager()
.withCondition(BaseConditions.equal(FieldPath.of("SALE_ID"), "S0017"))
AliasedField.create("PURCHASE_PRICE", FieldPath.of("SALES_TO_PRODUCTS", "PURCHASE_PRICE")))
final ICursor res = databaseVersion.getQueryRunner().listQuery(query).run();
final IRecordReader recordReader = res.getRecord();
System.out.println(; // Printed CustomShop(shopName=shop_3)
System.out.println(; // Printed CustomPrice(price=38.0)


That's it. Every query on the 'SHOP' (resp. 'PURCHASE_PRICE') column will generate an Object of class CustomShop (resp. CustomPrice).