Introduction to JDBCSource
A JDBCSource is a database-related implementation of the ISource
interface, which is the generic framework used in ActivePivot for fetching data from an external source and put it in a ActivePivot Datastore
The purpose of the JDBCSource is to load data from a database, through a JDBC driver.
A JBDCSource has several parameters :
Connection information
- User Name/Password/Class of the JDBC Driver
- Implementation of the
functional interface which wraps the connection information. ThecreateConnection()
method of the connectionSupplier will provide ajava.sql.Connection
and load JDBC drivers according to the implementation.
JDBC Topics
Processing properties
- Size of the Tasks thread pool
- Size of the queue containing rows retrieved from the SQL query
- The max number of elements polled at once from the queue
A JDBCSource connects to a given Database by using the provided connection information.
Once the connection has been tested, data can be fetched from the Database by calling the fetch([...])
method :
void fetch(Map<IMessageChannel<String, T>, List<Object>> channelsAndParams)
A JDBCSource does not need a topic to be instantiated, however topics must be added to the Source before any query execution . This is done with theaddTopic([...])
The fetch([...])
method will retrieve all the available data as defined by the topics exposed by the channels given in argument, that can either be SQL queries or a Java.sql.PreparedStatement
, then fill the corresponding channels with the parsed results.
The provided implementations of IJDBCSource
extend AJDBCSource
and mostly differ by the way the ResultSet
obtained by executing the Query is parsed :
parses the ResultSet asObject[]
parses the ResultSet asMap<String,Object>
parses the ResultSet asQfsResultRow
Use Example
Create the ArrayJDBCSource
source by using a IConnectionSupplier
implementation which will attempt to use the H2 database Driver :
By not specifying parameters in the Source constructor, the default values for the processing properties are used. However, the source properties can be modified for a more fine-tuned configuration of the source (see here)
final IConnectionSupplier supplier = new SimpleConnectionSupplier( url,
final IJDBCSource source = new ArrayJDBCSource( supplier,
Create the topic, here a preparedStatement
, and add it to the source :
Default Topic parameters are implied here, but can also be modified in order to tune the performances of the source(see here)
final JDBCTopic topic =new JDBCTopic("Order_Topic",
A IMessageChannelFactory
implementation creates the channels between the topics of the source and the stores of a datastore :
final JDBCMessageChannelFactory channelFactory = new JDBCMessageChannelFactory(source, datastore);
final IMessageChannel<String, QfsResultSetRow> channel = channelFactory.createChannel("Order_Topic",store.toString());
Specify the requested values in the topic, then execute the query and fill the channel :
source.fetch(channel, Arrays.asList("Desk A"));
Fetching data
The fetch([...])
method performs most of the task of a JDBCSource, which is to execute queries on a database and put the parsed data in channels that will feed a Datastore
This is performed in parallel :
For each entry in the input map ( eg. a MessageChannel-Parameters pair) , fetch([...])
will create a JDBCTask
, those are executed concurrently on a Thread Pool dimensionned by an input property of the Source.
Here is a sequence diagram displaying the execution of the
method on multiple channels. JDBCTask
and JDBCAppendRunnable
are documented more thoroughly below.
Each JDBCTask
has to perform the following tasks :
Execute the query on the database.
Launch and keep track of concurrent
on a thread pool dimensionned by a property of the Topic related to theJDBCTask
.Create an appendQueue from which the runnables will poll.
Fetch the corresponding
.In order to avoid network congestion, data from the
is recovered byfetchSize
-sized pieces.Iterate upon the
-sized piece of theResultSet
until the data was entirely recovered :- Parse the data as a collection of
by using theJDBCSource::createRecord()
implementation of the current source. - Feed it to the appendQueue.
- Parse the data as a collection of
When the ResultSet
has been entirely processed, the JDBCAppendRunnable
are notified and we wait for the termination of all the linked threads to proceed and terminate the JDBCTask
From its creation, and until it's been notified by the underlying JDBCTask
that its appendQueue is empty and won't be filled anymore, each JDBCAppendRunnable
will :
- Attempt to drain the queue by
-sized pieces into aList<Record>
. - Push the Records from the
into the channel'sIMessage
-sized pieces.