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Deprecated features

This article lists the most impacting deprecated features of ActivePivot so you can plan your migrations ahead of time. Deprecated features can be removed in a future minor version (5.X.0).

For a more complete list of deprecations, please read the changelog.

Deprecated features in 5.10

  • PIVOT-4244 Our web services exposed with SOAP are deprecated. You are encouraged to start using the REST services.
  • PIVOT-4244 Configuring a cube with an XML file is deprecated. You are encouraged to configure it with Java code (you can for instance use our fluent description builders).
  • PIVOT-4776 The IMultiMap<K,V> API was removed in AP 5.11. Map<K,Collection<V>> will be used instead.
  • PIVOT-5117 The TransactionWrapper was removed in AP 5.11.

Deprecated features in 5.9

  • APS-12686 The JGroupsMessenger has been deprecated in 5.9 and removed in 5.10.
  • PIVOT-4070 The transaction log and the datastore replication has been deprecated in 5.9 and removed in 5.10.
  • PIVOT-4217 Configuring your application with Spring XML configuration files is deprecated.