Customising What-Ifs

The What-If simulations are implemented partly in the Accelerator reference implementation and partly as your customisations of that implementation to meet your specific project requirements. You can use the WhatIf Manager API to configure customisations in the following areas:

  • User interface

  • Workflow

  • Persistence

WhatIf Manager API

WhatIf Manager provides an API for defining, executing and managing What-If simulations on the datastore which can then be viewed, compared and, if required, merged back as the main working copy.

It allows simple code definition of custom simulation logic on entries in the datastore while abstracting out the specifics of branch and epoch management. It also includes an ActiveUI widget to allow for user-friendly branch management and What-If execution and audit.

It allows a developer to completely customize the workflow, security and persistence around simulations created and executed (with out-of-the-box examples provided for the use cases described in this document).

For more information, see the Javadoc.
