Data Load Controller classes

The configuration of the DLC in the FRTB Accelerator is found in the following classes in the frtb-starter module.

Class Description
DataLoadControllerConfig The main configuration file for the DLC in the FRTB Accelerator.

- Creates the IDataLoadController bean

- Registers the sources, channels, and topic aliases

- Turns scopes into RemoveWhere clauses for unloading data
DataLoadControllerFileConfig Contains the configuration for turning different types of scope into parameters for scanning for data files
DataLoadControllerSourceConfigs The beans representing the sources registered with the DLC. The beans in this class wrap (mostly) pre-existing beans in the old SourceConfig files.
InitialDataLoadConfig Contains the logic for determining what data is loaded on start-up.
FRTBRestServicesConfig Includes the configuration of the REST service. The rest service base URL is: http://<hostname>:<port>/frtb-starter/services/rest/dlc/

Additionally, the following files in the frtb-activepivot module configure the ETL for use by the DLC.

Class Description
SourceConfig (And SensiSourceConfig and ConfigurationSourceConfig) Contains the components of the SourceConfigs (integrated in DataloadControllerSourceConfigs) used by the Data Load Controller.

The behavior of the source config files has not changed much with the introduction of the Data Load Controller. However, many interfaces and method signatures have been adapted for the DLC
SourceTopicAliases Contains groupings of individual topics, so that they can be easily:

- combined in topic aliases in DataLoadControllerConfig

- managed close to the SourceConfig