
Description The IMCC multiplier reflecting weighted average of 1 and the ratio of undiversified IMCC(C) to diversified IMCC(C) (BCBS 395: 2.1 Q1). May be computed on a different date
Notation $\omega$
Formula $$\omega=\rho +(1-\rho) \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^R IMCC(C_i) }{ IMCC(C)}$$

The reference date is set with the hierarchy [Dates].[OmegaDate].[OmegaDate].

The measure is based on the weighted average of the constrained and unconstrained expected shortfall charges - ES (Capital Constrained) and ES (Capital Unconstrained).

With $\omega$ IMCC formula can be rewritten as:

$$ IMCC = \omega \cdot IMCC( C ) $$

See also