
The RiskFactorDescriptionOverrides store contains alternative descriptions of the SA DRC non-Sec Exposures. See RiskFactorDescription store.

It is an isolated store indexed by Risk Factor, RiskClass, Risk Measure, ParameterSet, and AsOfDate.

Store Field Key CanBeNull Type Description
AsOfDate Y LOCALDATE[yyyy-mm-dd] Timestamp (at close of business) for the data.
Risk Factor Y String The name of the DRC non-Sec exposure
RiskClass Y String The risk-class (“DRC non-Sec”)
Risk Measure Y String The risk-measure (“DRC”)
ParameterSet Y String The Parameter Set for which the overrides apply.
Risk Factor Type Y String Reserved for future use.
CommodityLocation Y String Reserved for future use.
Seniority Y String Reserved for future use.
Maturity Y Object Reserved for future use.
Zero Risk Weight Y Y/N Flag indicating if the exposure qualifies for a zero risk-weight (default = N)