About the Solution


ActiveViam has undertaken an initiative to provide a solution for the minimum capital requirements for CVA risk as per Chapter MAR50 of the Consolidated Basel Framework Effective as of 01 Jan 20221. This is the result of regulatory monitoring, client consultations, and development work.


Here’s a short summary of features of Atoti CVA Risk Capital:

Synergies with other Solutions

Other Solutions in the ActiveViam products family share the same technology and similar data model, hence these synergies may be realized:

MAR50 exclusions

Some aspects of the MAR50 are not included in Atoti CVA Risk Capital. This section highlights those topics.

Atoti Server is not a risk engine

Atoti Server is not a risk engine. There is no functionality or software in Atoti CVA Risk Capital for the calculation of credit risk exposures and sensitivities. In all cases it is assumed that the client already has a risk engine or trade booking system that can generate the raw data (sensitivities, notionals, EAD, etc). Additionally, it is assumed that upstream systems are validating hedge eligibility.

Atoti Server is not a tool for data management

There is no functionality to convert bank’s static data into attributes, required by regulation, such as Sectors, Credit quality, relationship to counterparty, etc. The Solution expects to receive this meta-data as input.

Solution Concepts

Atoti Business Solutions are projects that contain business logic, implementation best practices and software code to enable a faster time-to-market and help clients confidently address use cases such as regulations. The reference implementations are built on and require Atoti Server, ActiveMonitor, and Atoti UI.

Clients may choose to use a Solution "as is" by conforming to published data input file structures and data stores. Alternatively, clients may use the Solution purely as a starting point for building a suitable system with additional functionality.

Source code is delivered and IT users are free to make derivative works (which become the client’s IP) to adapt to their data sources and requirements.

  1. referred to as ‘MAR50’ in this document. Link to the Regulatory document: https://www.bis.org/basel_framework/chapter/MAR/50.htm ↩︎