Class IncrementalMeasureConfig

  • @Configuration
    public class IncrementalMeasureConfig
    extends Object
    Helper methods for the definition of VaR and ES measures
    • Constructor Detail

      • IncrementalMeasureConfig

        public IncrementalMeasureConfig​(org.springframework.core.env.Environment env)
    • Method Detail

      • buildReferenceMetrics

        public void buildReferenceMetrics​(String pnlVectorName,
                                          com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        This function need to be called once in order to create the reference metric used after in order to construct the incremental metrics
        pnlVectorName - The name of the base vector used to construct the reference vector
        context - The copper context
      • forEachReference

        public void forEachReference​(String pnlVectorName,
                                     IncrementalMeasureConfig.TriConsumer<com.activeviam.copper.api.CopperMeasure,​String,​String> builder)
        This will iterate on each reference metric in order to build the incremental metrics
        pnlVectorName - The name of the base vector used to construct the reference vector
        builder - the call-back function that will build the incremental metrics called with (refVector, suffix, subFolder) -> {}