Interface IGreekSensiCubeMeasureConfig

    • Method Detail

      • buildRestrictedMeasures

        void buildRestrictedMeasures​(com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        Measure builder class for restricted measures to be used for store or aggregate reimported data.
        context - copper context
      • buildScalarRestrictedMeasures

        void buildScalarRestrictedMeasures​(com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        Measure builder class for restricted measures to be used for store or aggregate reimported data.
        context - copper context
      • buildScalarMeasures

        void buildScalarMeasures​(com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        Measure builder class for scalar measures.
        context - copper context
      • buildStandardMeasures

        void buildStandardMeasures​(com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        Measure builder class for standard, vectorised Greek measures
        context - copper context
      • buildPnlShiftMeasures

        void buildPnlShiftMeasures​(com.activeviam.copper.ICopperContext context)
        Measure builder class for combined cube measures which shift the dates of the PnL explain measures.
        context - copper context
      • getGreekRegexp

        String getGreekRegexp()
        The RegExp that gives the sensi type from the sensi name
        A regular expression
      • getGreekSensiPnlExplain

        String getGreekSensiPnlExplain()
      • getGreekSensiPnlExplainNextDate

        String getGreekSensiPnlExplainNextDate()
      • getGreekSensiPnlExplainNativeNextDate

        String getGreekSensiPnlExplainNativeNextDate()
      • getGreekSensiPnlVectorForTaylorVar

        String getGreekSensiPnlVectorForTaylorVar()
      • getGreekSensiPnlVectorForTaylorVarNative

        String getGreekSensiPnlVectorForTaylorVarNative()