Class RiskStarterConfig

    • Field Detail

      • datastoreConfig

        protected com.qfs.server.cfg.IDatastoreConfig datastoreConfig
      • apConfig

        protected com.qfs.server.cfg.IActivePivotConfig apConfig
        ActivePivot spring configuration
      • riskPostProcessorConfig

        protected RiskPostProcessorConfig riskPostProcessorConfig
        ActivePivot spring configuration
      • apCSConfig

        protected com.qfs.server.cfg.content.IActivePivotContentServiceConfig apCSConfig
      • riskConfigProperties

        protected Properties riskConfigProperties
      • env

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment env
        Spring environment, automatically wired
    • Constructor Detail

      • RiskStarterConfig

        public RiskStarterConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • properties

        public static properties()
      • startManager

        public Void startManager()
                          throws Exception
        Initialize and start the ActivePivot Manager, after performing all the injections into the ActivePivot plug-ins.
        Exception - any exception that occurred during the manager's start up
        See Also:
      • JMXDatastoreEnabler

        public com.quartetfs.fwk.monitoring.jmx.impl.JMXEnabler JMXDatastoreEnabler()
        Enable JMX Monitoring for the Datastore
        the JMXEnabler attached to the datastore
      • JMXMemoryMonitoringServiceEnabler

        public com.quartetfs.fwk.monitoring.jmx.impl.JMXEnabler JMXMemoryMonitoringServiceEnabler()
      • JMXActivePivotEnabler

        public com.quartetfs.fwk.monitoring.jmx.impl.JMXEnabler JMXActivePivotEnabler()
        Enable JMX Monitoring for ActivePivot Components
        the JMXEnabler attached to the activePivotManager
      • JMXActivePivotContentServiceEnabler

        public com.quartetfs.fwk.monitoring.jmx.impl.JMXEnabler JMXActivePivotContentServiceEnabler()
        Enable JMX Monitoring for the Content Service
        the JMXEnabler attached to the content service.
      • rebuild

        @Profile("(dist-data-node | !dist-query-node)")
        public rebuild​(@Qualifier("Risk_SchemaName")
                                                                                       List<String> schemas)
        Example of bean which periodically rebuild the cubes.

        This method is OPTIONAL to the function of ActivePivot. In fact, the ActivePivot rebuild feature is used to reclaim space from append only structure of ActivePivot. It does not need to be called very often.

        schemas - The schemas to rebuild.
        a bean which periodically rebuild the cubes
      • apManagerInitPrerequisitePluginInjections

        protected void apManagerInitPrerequisitePluginInjections()
                                                          throws Exception
      • startMessengers

        public Void startMessengers()
                             throws com.quartetfs.fwk.AgentException

        This starter bean ensures that the messengers are started only after initial CSV loading has completed. This spares us sending a lot of useless empty initial discovery messages to the query node as one or multiple data nodes are started at the same time. And in case the initial loading sequence comprises of multiple DS transactions, we also spare the sending of discovery messages for each and every transaction.

        com.quartetfs.fwk.AgentException - if an issue is raised in MultiVersionDataActivePivot.startDistribution().
      • propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer

        public static propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer()