Interface ISignOffService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ISignOffService
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void approve​(SignOffProcessKey instance)  
      Map<String,​String> export​(com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffProcessInstanceExportDTO instance)
      Requests an export and returns a map of export type and task ID.
      void initiate​(SignOffProcessKey instance)  
      Map<String,​com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.KpiDTO> kpis​(com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffProcessInstanceExportDTO completion)
      Requests KPI values for a sign-off process instance.
      Set<String> members​(String[] hierarchy)
      Requests the available members on the first level of a given cube and hierarchy name.
      com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffExportStatusDTO status​(Map<String,​String> tasks)
      Requests the status of the supplied export tasks.
    • Method Detail

      • export

        Map<String,​String> export​(com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffProcessInstanceExportDTO instance)
        Requests an export and returns a map of export type and task ID.
        instance - The sign-off instance for which the export is requested.
        A map of export type and task ID.
      • status

        com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffExportStatusDTO status​(Map<String,​String> tasks)
        Requests the status of the supplied export tasks.
        tasks - The map of export type and task ID.
        The status of the tasks.
      • kpis

        Map<String,​com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.KpiDTO> kpis​(com.activeviam.signoff.core.model.dto.SignOffProcessInstanceExportDTO completion)
        Requests KPI values for a sign-off process instance.
        completion - The sign-off process instance.
        The map of KPI name to value, goal and status.
      • members

        Set<String> members​(String[] hierarchy)
        Requests the available members on the first level of a given cube and hierarchy name.
        hierarchy - The cube and hierarchy names, as a String array.
        The available members on the first level of the hierarchy.