Class MarketDataRetrievalService

    • Method Detail

      • getRawMarketData

        protected IMarketDataset<double[],​Double> getRawMarketData​(IServiceContext context,
                                                                         LocalDate date,
                                                                         String marketDataSet,
                                                                         String sensitivityKind,
                                                                         String sensitivityName,
                                                                         String riskClass,
                                                                         String riskFactor,
                                                                         int nrDim)
        Description copied from class: AMarketDataRetrievalService
        This function retrieves the data before any manipulation
        Specified by:
        getRawMarketData in class AMarketDataRetrievalService
        context - The caller context
        date - The requested date
        marketDataSet - The requested dataset
        sensitivityKind - The type of sensitivity delta / gamma /vega / ....
        sensitivityName - Th underlying name
        riskClass - the risk class
        riskFactor - The requested name
        nrDim - The number of dimension of the result
        A list of MD and its axis description
      • getRawPnlVector

        protected IMarketDataset<com.qfs.vector.IVector[],​com.qfs.vector.IVector> getRawPnlVector​(IServiceContext context,
                                                                                                        LocalDate date,
                                                                                                        String scenario,
                                                                                                        String marketDataSet,
                                                                                                        String sensitivityKind,
                                                                                                        String sensitivityName,
                                                                                                        String riskClass,
                                                                                                        String riskFactor,
                                                                                                        int nrDim)
        Description copied from class: AMarketDataRetrievalService
        This function retrieves the data before any manipulation
        Specified by:
        getRawPnlVector in class AMarketDataRetrievalService
        context - The caller context
        date - The requested date
        scenario - The requested dataset
        marketDataSet - The requested market data set
        sensitivityKind - The type of sensitivity delta / gamma /vega / ....
        sensitivityName - The underlying
        riskClass - The risk class
        riskFactor - The requested name
        nrDim - The number of dimension of the result
        A list of pnl vector and its axis description
      • getNominal

        protected Double getNominal​(IServiceContext context,
                                    LocalDate date,
                                    String marketDataSet,
                                    String sensitivityKind,
                                    String sensitivityName,
                                    String riskClass,
                                    String riskFactor)
        Description copied from class: AMarketDataRetrievalService
        Retrieve the nominal of a risk factor
        Specified by:
        getNominal in class AMarketDataRetrievalService
        context - The caller context
        date - The requested date
        marketDataSet - The requested dataset
        sensitivityKind - The type of sensitivity delta / gamma /vega / ....
        sensitivityName - The underlying
        riskClass - The risk class
        riskFactor - The requested name
        The value of the Nominal