Class BookParentChildDAO

  • public class BookParentChildDAO
    extends Object
    The BookParentChildDAO service is the main way for the Parent Child Service to access and change parent child data directly from the datastore. This class provides only reads on the datastore as all modifications to the datastore for Parent Child Services should go through the WhatIf Engine.
    • Field Detail

      • datastore

        protected datastore
      • env

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment env
    • Constructor Detail

      • BookParentChildDAO

        public BookParentChildDAO()
    • Method Detail

      • loadCurrentNodes

        public Map<String,​BookParentChildNode> loadCurrentNodes​(String branch,
                                                                      LocalDate asOfDate)
        This method provides a way to retrieve the book parent child nodes of a particular branch and asofDate for the StoreNames.BOOK_PARENT_CHILD_STORE_NAME datastore. All nodes that match the branch and asOfDate provided will be returned as a map with the nodes name being the key. In this instance though a nodes key is usually name + asOfDate we can assume that all nodes retrieved will have a unique name is because we filter out all nodes based on the asOfDate provided. Nodes from the datastore are mapped to an appropriate book node modal and data types are automatically converted (such as for "Y" and "N" boolean conversation.) If branch argument is null then the tree retrieved will come from the master branch.
        branch - The branch we are getting the tree from. If null we default to the master branch.
        asOfDate - The asOfDate we are getting the tree from.
        The map of all book parent nodes that were filtered by branch and asOfDate. Uses name as the key.