Class InitialRepositoryConfig

  • @Configuration
    public class InitialRepositoryConfig
    extends Object
    The initial repository configuration.

    This is the base file configuring the repository module.
    For a given set of parameters, it creates or sets some point values.
    The parameters set here are thighly linked to the monitor defined inside the cube.

    • Field Detail

      • repositoryServices

        protected com.qfs.repository.cfg.impl.RepositoryServiceConfiguration repositoryServices
        The repository service. It can be remote or local. This is transparent at this point.
      • env

        protected org.springframework.core.env.Environment env
    • Constructor Detail

      • InitialRepositoryConfig

        public InitialRepositoryConfig()
    • Method Detail

      • addToRepositoryService

        public Void addToRepositoryService()
        [Optional] Initial Load of Parameters.

        In this method, we create or update the parameters that are important to the application. For PL Attribution we declare three parameters : mean_ratio_lower_range (-0.1), mean_ratio_upper_range (0.1) and variance_ratio_goal (0.2) For Backtesting we need two parameters : nb_exceptions_99_var (12) and nb_exceptions_97_5_var (30)

      • loadData

        protected boolean loadData()
        Decides if initial data must be loaded.
        true to perform initial data loading