Interface IFXRates

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IFXRates
    Interface for retrieving FX rates. Used by the postprocessors in the core; implemented in the reference implementation (or project).
    • Method Detail

      • getSpotFXRate

        Double getSpotFXRate​( datastore,
                             LocalDate asOfDate,
                             String baseCcy,
                             String counterCcy,
                             List<Object> leafCoordinates,
                             String marketDataSet)
        Retrieve the spot FX rate between two currencies.
        datastore - The datastore version to get the FX Rates from
        asOfDate - AsOf Date
        baseCcy - base currency (USD for the USD/EUR rate)
        counterCcy - quote currency (EUR for the USD/EUR rate)
        activePivot - ActivePivot instance
        leafCoordinates - Coordinates extracted from additional FX Rates Level Info
        marketDataSet - Set of fx rates to use
        FX rate between those two currencies, or null if no rate found.
      • getSpotFXRateWithErrorHandling

        default Double getSpotFXRateWithErrorHandling​( datastore,
                                                      LocalDate asOfDate,
                                                      String baseCcy,
                                                      String counterCcy,
                                                      List<Object> leafCoordinates,
                                                      String marketDataSet)
        Retrieve the spot FX rate between two currencies with error handling.
        datastore - The datastore version to get the FX Rates from
        asOfDate - AsOf Date
        baseCcy - base currency (USD for the USD/EUR rate)
        counterCcy - quote currency (EUR for the USD/EUR rate)
        activePivot - ActivePivot instance
        leafCoordinates - Coordinates extracted from additional FX Rates Level Info
        marketDataSet - Set of fx rates to use
        FX rate between those two currencies, or exception if no rate found.
      • getMarketShift

        com.qfs.vector.IVector getMarketShift​( datastore,
                                              LocalDate asOfDate,
                                              String baseCcy,
                                              String counterCcy,
                                              List<Object> leafCoordinates,
                                              String marketDataSet,
                                              String scenarioSet)
        Retrieve the FX market shifts between two currencies. The shifted FX rate = (marketShift + 1) * fxRate
        datastore - The datastore version to get the FX Rates from
        asOfDate - AsOf Date
        baseCcy - base currency (USD for the USD/EUR rate)
        counterCcy - quote currency (EUR for the USD/EUR rate)
        activePivot - ActivePivot instance
        leafCoordinates - Coordinates extracted from additional FX Rates Level Info
        marketDataSet - Set of fx rates to use
        scenarioSet - The VaR scenarios that the vector must match
        FX market shifts between those two currencies, or null if no rate found.
      • getDetailedMarketShift

        Map<String,​com.qfs.vector.IVector> getDetailedMarketShift​( datastore,
                                                                        LocalDate asOfDate,
                                                                        String baseCcy,
                                                                        String counterCcy,
                                                                        List<Object> leafCoordinates,
                                                                        String marketDataSet,
                                                                        String scenarioSet)
        Retrieve the FX market shifts between two currencies. The shifted FX rate = (marketShift + 1) * fxRate
        datastore - The datastore version to get the FX Rates from
        asOfDate - AsOf Date
        baseCcy - base currency (USD for the USD/EUR rate)
        counterCcy - quote currency (EUR for the USD/EUR rate)
        activePivot - ActivePivot instance
        leafCoordinates - Coordinates extracted from additional FX Rates Level Info
        marketDataSet - Set of fx rates to use
        scenarioSet - The VaR scenarios that the vector must match
        FX market shifts between those two currencies, or null if no rate found.