Interface ICustomParameters

  • public interface ICustomParameters
    • Method Detail

      • getLeafCoordinatesFunction

        ICustomParameters.ILocationFunction getLeafCoordinatesFunction​( pivot,
                                                                       Properties properties,
                                                                       String ppPluginKey)
                                                                throws com.quartetfs.fwk.QuartetException
        This function is used to extend the core accelerators post processors, by enabling the possibility to provide extra parameters to service beans
        pivot - The active pivot
        properties - The properties of the postprocessor
        ppPluginKey - The key of the current postprocessor
        A lambda function that return a map of custom object : (location) -> Arrays.asList({<i>here is the customisation</i>})
        com.quartetfs.fwk.QuartetException - This could be sent by init