Interface ITenorConverter

    • Method Detail

      • convert

        LocalDate convert​( datastore,
                          LocalDate asOfDate,
                          BucketType bucketType,
                          String tenorSet,
                          String tenor,
                          IBusinessDayConvention businessDayConvention,
                          IBusinessDayCalendar calendar)
                   throws ParseException
        Given an as-of-date and a String representation of a tenor, returns the LocalDate representation of the tenor (after application of business day convention).
        datastore - The datastore version.
        asOfDate - The initial as-of-date.
        bucketType - The tenor store.
        tenorSet - The tenor set.
        tenor - The String representation of a tenor.
        businessDayConvention - The business day convention to use.
        calendar - the business day calendar.
        The LocalDate represented by the input tenor or date, given the as-of-date.
        ParseException - the tenor is not recognized.
      • convert

        LocalDate convert​(LocalDate asOfDate,
                          String tenor,
                          IBusinessDayConvention businessDayConvention,
                          IBusinessDayCalendar calendar)
                   throws ParseException
        Given an as-of-date and a String representation of a tenor, returns the LocalDate representation of the tenor (after application of business day convention).
        asOfDate - The initial as-of-date.
        tenor - The String representation of a tenor.
        businessDayConvention - The business day convention to use.
        calendar - the business day calendar.
        The LocalDate represented by the input tenor or date, given the as-of-date.
        ParseException - the tenor is not recognized.