Class RiskConstants

  • public class RiskConstants
    extends Object
    Helper class defining property driven constants.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RiskConstants

        public RiskConstants()
    • Method Detail

      • staticConfig

        public static void staticConfig​(Properties env)
        Temporary (pending config overhaul);
        env - environment
      • setLocale

        public static void setLocale​(IDateTimeFormatterLocale locale)
        Sets the locale to use in DateTimeFormatter calls.
        locale - The locale.
      • getAvailableTenorSets

        public static String getAvailableTenorSets()
        Returns the tenor sets defined as available in the Accelerator properties.
        The available tenor sets.
      • getAvailableMaturitySets

        public static String getAvailableMaturitySets()
        Returns the maturity sets defined as available in the Accelerator properties.
        The available maturity sets.
      • getAvailableMoneynessSets

        public static String getAvailableMoneynessSets()
        Returns the maturity sets defined as available in the Accelerator properties.
        The available maturity sets.
      • getDaysInWeek

        public static Integer getDaysInWeek()
        Returns the configured number of days in a week, for bucketing purposes.
        The number of days in a week.
      • getDaysInMonth

        public static Integer getDaysInMonth()
        Returns the configured number of days in a month, for bucketing purposes.
        The number of days in a month.
      • getDaysInYear

        public static Integer getDaysInYear()
        Returns the configured number of days in a year, for bucketing purposes.
        The number of days in a year.