Interface ITailMeasureCalc

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    ATailMeasureCalc, TailMeasureCalc

    public interface ITailMeasureCalc
    Functions for calculating tail measures. This interface is injected into the post-processors to aid in calculating the Expected Shortfall, Value at Risk and Value at Earning tail measures.

    Post-processors that expect implementations of this interface to be injected implement the ITailMeasureCalcAware interface.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      Integer[] getIndices​( activePivot, datastore, ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type, com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl, double quantile, String roundingMethod, String quantile2Rank)
      Return an array of the indices in the vector that contribute to the VaR/ES.
      Double getLEstimator​( activePivot, datastore, ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type, com.qfs.vector.IVector referencePnl, com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl, double quantile, String roundingMethod, String quantile2Rank)
      Calculate the l-estimator (for VaR or ES) of the PnL vector for the quantile, given the reference PnL vector.
      Double getTailMeasure​( activePivot, datastore, ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type, com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl, double quantile, String roundingMethod, String quantile2Rank)
      Calculate the VaR, ES or VaE of the PnL vector for the quantile.
    • Method Detail

      • getTailMeasure

        Double getTailMeasure​( activePivot,
                              ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type,
                              com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl,
                              double quantile,
                              String roundingMethod,
                              String quantile2Rank)
        Calculate the VaR, ES or VaE of the PnL vector for the quantile.
        activePivot - Active Pivot instance.
        datastore - Datastore version.
        type - "ES", "VaR" or "VaE"
        pnl - The PnL vector.
        quantile - The quantile for the ES, VaR or VaE between 0 and 1 (equals 1 minus the confidence level).
        roundingMethod - String representing the rounding for the computation of the index(es) corresponding to the confidence level
        quantile2Rank - String representing the method used to compute the quantile
        The tail measure (i.e. VaR, ES or VaE value of the vector for the quantile).
      • getIndices

        Integer[] getIndices​( activePivot,
                             ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type,
                             com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl,
                             double quantile,
                             String roundingMethod,
                             String quantile2Rank)
        Return an array of the indices in the vector that contribute to the VaR/ES.
        activePivot - Active Pivot instance.
        datastore - Datastore version.
        type - "ES" or "VaR".
        pnl - The PnL vector.
        quantile - The quantile for the VaR, between 0 and 1 (equals 1 minus the confidence level).
        roundingMethod - String representing the rounding for the computation of the index(es) corresponding to the confidence level
        quantile2Rank - String representing the method used to compute the quantile
        The array of vector indices.
      • getLEstimator

        Double getLEstimator​( activePivot,
                             ITailMeasureCalc.CalcType type,
                             com.qfs.vector.IVector referencePnl,
                             com.qfs.vector.IVector pnl,
                             double quantile,
                             String roundingMethod,
                             String quantile2Rank)
        Calculate the l-estimator (for VaR or ES) of the PnL vector for the quantile, given the reference PnL vector.
        activePivot - Active Pivot instance.
        datastore - Datastore version.
        type - "ES" or "VaR".
        referencePnl - The aggregate PnL vector at the reference level.
        pnl - The PnL vector for the current sub-portfolio.
        quantile - The quantile for the ES or VaR, between 0 and 1 (equals 1 minus the confidence level).
        roundingMethod - String representing the rounding for the computation of the index(es) corresponding to the confidence level
        quantile2Rank - String representing the method used to compute the quantile
        The l-estimator value.